
Narrative analysis in sociology: possibilities of practical use


Trotsuk I.V.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

According to the analysis of wide interdisciplinary theory and practice of narrative the position of this concept in the qualitative sociological approach on the empirical level of analysis was determined.

Discourse Analysis in Sociology: Theoretical Foundations and Prospects of Use in Multimodal Studies


Vdovina T. V.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

The thesis deals with discourse-analysis as theoretical and methodological approach to the analysis of multimodal texts in the sociological research. The paper presents theoretical and methodological foundations of multimodal studies in sociology, as well as the concept of representative culture which finds its’ embodiment in multimodal texts. It also analyzes basic theories of representation. The author substantiates relevance of discourse-analysis for study of multimodal texts in sociology, systematizes main approaches to multimodal discourse analysis, and features research strategies. The thesis analyzes capabilities and limitations of multimodal discourse analysis, showing the main prospects of its’ use in sociological research, given the peculiarities of multimodal discourse analysis identified through own empirical research.

Expert estimation of the solution of cognitive tasks knowledge societies: theoretical and methodological principles


Zhuravleva V.А.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

Dissertation research is devoted to the analysis of specifics of application of a method of expert estimation in the societies, the neopredelennostny systems which were characterized by existence. In the real work the main methodological features of a method of expert estimation from a position of the one who should be understood as «expert» were considered. The main approaches to definition of the categories «expert» and «expert assessment» with use of the principles of three methodologies are analysed: classical, nonclassical and post-nonclassical. The analysis of was given that the method of expert estimation can become one of the most effective methods when overcoming of «cognitive failures by which modern society of knowledge is characterized. Also the main forms of manifestation of cognitive failures were considered. On the basis of the carried-out theoretical analysis and the conducted empirical research the hypothesis of efficiency of application of a method of expert estimation for the solution of questions (cognitive failures) which arise in modern society of knowledge is confirmed.

Ethnic Stereotypes: Basic Methodological Approaches to Study and Features of Psyсhosemantic Methods Application


Bochkareva A. V.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

Dissertation research is devoted to the analysis of features and prospects of psychosemantic methods in the ethnic stereotypes study. The main theoretical approaches to the definition of "stereotyping", "ethnic stereotype" were considered. Possibilities of psychosemantic methods applying in the empirical study of ethnic stereotypes are analyzed. Effectiveness of individual psychosemantic field construction for applying psychosemantic methods dor ethnic stereotypes study on the basis of carried-out empirical studies is considered. The thesis focuses on semantic differential and multiple identifications methods.

Improvement of quality sociological questionnaire on the basis of analysis respondents` nonverbal reactions


Larina T.I.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

Dissertation research is devoted to the quality of sociological tools for mass surveys and the development of technology analysis respondents` non-verbal reactions, which is aimes at improving the quality of sociological tools. In this work highlights problem of determining the quality of sociological tools with an emphasis on mass surveys. It also analyzes non-verbal aspects of communication and the possibility of using non-verbal information in sociology, namely during piloting of the questionnaire in mass surveys. On the basis of the series of methodological experiments was confirmed the hypothesis about the possibility of fixing the non-verbal respondents' reactions when working with the sociological questionnaire for mass surveys in the pilot study. Developed the technology of the analysis respondents` non-verbal reactions, which can be used not only for determining the quality of tools for mass surveys, but during Focus -Group research and interviews.

Using projective techniques in the study of social representations: methodological approaches and methodic solutions


Tertyshnikova A.G.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

Dissertation research is devoted to studying social representations through a series of projective techniques. The present work deals with the theoretical approaches to the study of social representations. The features and applications of projective techniques for the study of social representations were analyzed. Social representations of a particular phenomenon based on a series of empirical studies by different methods were formed. Along with the widely used and well-known methods for researchers it has been demonstrated how to use rear explored sociological method to investigate social representations – vignette method.