Meeting of the International Advisory Council and the International Scientific Councils

Meeting of the International Advisory Council and the International Scientific Councils

19 - 21 On September in RUDN University took place the regular meetings of the International Advisory Council and the International Scientific Councils in the priority directions with the purpose of consideration of results of realization of actions and the prospects of further development within participation of RUDN University in the national project Competitiveness Enhancement Program “5-100”

19 - 21 On September in RUDN University took place the regular meetings of the International Advisory Council and the International Scientific Councils in the priority directions with the purpose of consideration of results of realization of actions and the prospects of further development within participation of RUDN University in the national project Competitiveness Enhancement Program “5-100”.

The meeting took place in a format of expert sessions, public lectures and discussions with participation of foreign and Russian scientists, specialists of the leading foreign universities and scientific organizations working in scientific areas of the directions of development of RUDN.

Within the meeting of International Advisory Council was discussed the main results of implementation of «road map» of RUDN University in the first half of the year 2017 and also the presentation of new «road map» of the University for 2018 - 2020.

Key questions of the agenda of meetings of the International Advisory Council and International Scientific Councils was discussion of results of work of scientific centers (laboratories) of the RUDN University for 2016 – the first half of 2017 and also summing up the Competition on target support and financing in 2018 of research and development projects.

Within the visit to Moscow, members of the International advisory council made for students, teachers and scientists of RUDN University public lectures and presentations in English.

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03 Nov 2017
The main goal of the RUDN University and UNISDR Office for Northeast Asia and Global Education and Training Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction at Incheon (UNISDR ONEA-GETI) cooperation is to obtain knowledge about disaster risk reduction and international experience in this area for creating training courses for basic and additional professional education in RUDN
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