Professor of the University of Porto, F.L. Pereira gave report at the RUDN University Faculty of Sciences

17-20 September Fernando Manuel Ferreira Lobo Pereira, full Professor of DEEC, FEUP, Scientific Coordinator of ISRP, University of Porto Faculty of Engineering visited RUDN University. He is a leading specialist in the field of optimal impulse control. F.L. Pereira gave a lecture «The results of two decades of research cooperation in applied mathematics and the contribution of mathematics to engineering sciences». Fernando Manuel Ferreira Lobo Pereira has a joint scientific investigation with RUDN University Professor Arutyunov A.V. and associate professor Zhukovsky S.E.: «Development of the mathematical apparatus of optimization theory, the theory of coincidence points of mappings in metric spaces».
«From the university bench to the scientific laboratory - how to ease this path?»
In 2024, RUDN started accepting applications for the new annual Prize for Scientific Achievement in Chemistry. The award was established to honour contributions to fundamental and applied research, as well as merit in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We continue to share the stories of front-line soldiers who created the Peoples’ Friendship University. Georgy Bruchinsky was born in 1917, graduated from the Leningrad Forestry Academy in 1939, and in 1941 graduated from the basic faculty of the Ivanovo Military Political School.
On the eve of Victory Day, we share the stories of front-line soldiers who, after the Great Patriotic War, participated in the creation of the Peoples' Friendship University and educated a new generation of students.
In 2024, RUDN started accepting applications for the new annual Prize for Scientific Achievement in Chemistry. The award was established to honour contributions to fundamental and applied research, as well as merit in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
We continue to share the stories of front-line soldiers who created the Peoples’ Friendship University. Georgy Bruchinsky was born in 1917, graduated from the Leningrad Forestry Academy in 1939, and in 1941 graduated from the basic faculty of the Ivanovo Military Political School.
On the eve of Victory Day, we share the stories of front-line soldiers who, after the Great Patriotic War, participated in the creation of the Peoples' Friendship University and educated a new generation of students.