The International scientific conference «Analytical and Computational Methods in Probability Theory and its ApplicationsACMPT-2017»

The International scientific conference «Analytical and Computational Methods in Probability Theory and its ApplicationsACMPT-2017»

The Lomonosov Moscow State University jointly with the RUDN University hosted the International Conference on »Analytical and Computational Methods in Probability Theory and its Applications — ACMPT-2017″ which was held in RUDN University from 23rd till 27th of October 2017.

The Lomonosov Moscow State University jointly with the RUDN University hosted the International Conference on »Analytical and Computational Methods in Probability Theory and its Applications — ACMPT-2017″ which was held in RUDN University from 23rd till 27th of October 2017.

The conference was held in the framework of the RUDN University Competitiveness Enhancement Program “5-100“ and also was organized under the auspices of the Moscow Mathematical Society.

The Conference opened a series of international meetings on the contemporary issues of analytical and numerical methods in probability theory and its applications, including reliability theory, queuing theory, special classes of stochastic processes, special topics of statistics arising in applications etc. This Conference was devoted to the 90th anniversary of outstanding Russian mathematician Alexander Dmitrievich Solov’ev, who had made a significant contribution into the mathematical methods of reliability and queuing theory.

The Conference brought together leading researchers in the analytical and numerical methods of probability theory and its applications and stimulated the discussions on the contemporary and future investigations in different areas of theoretical and applied probability. Also some problems related to the asymptotic methods of the analysis and to the history of mathematics were considered.

The main topics of the conference

All aspects of analytic and numerical methods in applied probability and its applications, especially in reliability and queuing theories. The Conference had 4 main tracks:

Track 1 – Analytical methods in probability theory and its applications

Track 2 – Computational methods in probability theory and its applications

Track 3 – Asymptotic methods of the analysis

Track 4 – History of mathematics

The topics of the conference include the following themes:

I. Analytical methods in probability theory and its applications

  • Analytical methods in all aspects of queuing theory
  • Analytical methods in all aspects of reliability theory
  • Accelerated failure time models
  • Renewal and regenerative processes
  • Limit theorems for rare events and additive functionals
  • Extremal problems, inequalities, orderings for probability distributions
  • Operational research, inventory theory
  • Planning of experiments
  • Statistics of point processes
  • Methods of quality control
  • Probabilistic and statistical models of information systems
  • Contemporary statistical methods in reliability theory

II. Computational methods in probability theory and its applications

  • Simulation methods in applied probability
  • Computational methods for distributions of statistics
  • Computational methods in queuing theory
  • Computational methods in reliability theory
  • Pseudorandom sequences
  • Algorithms of numerical data processing
  • Modeling of telecommunications networks
  • Statistical modeling and big data analysis
  • Statistical methods of accelerated trials

III. Asymptotic methods of the analysis

  • Asymptotics of solutions of ordinary differential equations with respect to a parameter and with respect to a variable
  • Liouville-Green approximations, WKB approximations and their applications in spectral theory
  • Asymptotic methods in one-dimensional analysis

IV. History of mathematics

  • History of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics
  • History of the complex analysis
  • History of the calculus of finite differences
  • History of Russian mathematics

Actual problems of the history of mathematics

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