The International Scientific Conference in memory of Professor V.K. Puchinsky «Comparative aspects of civil-law relations in the modern world»

The International Scientific Conference in memory of Professor V.K. Puchinsky «Comparative aspects of civil-law relations in the modern world»

October 13, 2017 the professors of RUDN University Law Institute (Department of Civil Law and Process and International Private Law) successfully held the International Scientific Conference in memory of Professor V.K. Puchinsky «Comparative aspects of civil-law relations in the modern world».

October 13, 2017 the professors of RUDN University Law Institute (Department of Civil Law and Process and International Private Law) successfully held the International Scientific Conference in memory of Professor V.K. Puchinsky «Comparative aspects of civil-law relations in the modern world».

More than 50 people attended the conference: representatives of russian and foreign law schools, Abova Tamara Evgenievna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Petr Petrovich Battakhov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences/Lomonosov Moscow State University; Kudryavtseva Elena Vasilievna Doctor of Law Professor of the Department of Procedural Law of Lomonosov Moscow State University ( 95 QS World University Rankings).

Within the framework of the conference, scientists exchanged views and opinions on the comparative legal studies. The participants of the conference also noted the importance and necessity of researching new phenomena, such as artificial intelligence or the new currency bitcoin, for which a legal qualification is required. It can be possible due to the results of comparative legal studies.

The conference was dedicated to the main issues of law: the participation of intergovernmental organizations in civil proceedings, the standards of proof in English civil law, electronic communication as an evidence in the arbitration process, inheritance under the law in the Republic of Moldova, the concept of marriage and the conditions for its validity under the Syrian law, the protection of children's rights in the EU countries and others.

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