Frederik Lamati, the leading scientist, director of the research center for studying bioobjects of the University of Montpellier (France), head of the department of “Green Chemistry” at IBMM, visited RUDN University

Frederik Lamati, the leading scientist, director of the research center for studying bioobjects of the University of Montpellier (France), head of the department of “Green Chemistry” at IBMM, visited RUDN University

On the 13 — 17 of March, Frederik Lamati, the leading scientist, director of the research center for studying bioobjects of the University of Montpellier (France), head of the department of “Green Chemistry” at IBMM, visited RUDN University United Institute for Chemical Research.

On the 13 — 17 of March, Frederik Lamati, the leading scientist, director of the research center for studying bioobjects of the University of Montpellier (France), head of the department of “Green Chemistry” at IBMM, visited RUDN University United Institute for Chemical Research. Professor F. Lamati delivered a lecture for students and young scientists and professors: “Easy, easy: use mechanical force to make organometallics”. This lecture also attended scientists from the A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences (INEOS RAS).

Professor F. Lamati told about topical problems in the field of sustainable chemical synthesis, including the use of organic solvents. These solvents are very often toxic and can create serious damage to the environment. At present, one of the solutions to this problem has been the reuse of these solvents as a fuel. Currently, a major study is underway to find alternative uses for these organic solvents. In this context, a scientific group headed by Professor F. Lamati developed a complex approach for carrying out reactions using mechanochemistry without the use of solvents. Mechanochemical activation can be a useful tool in the organometallic synthesis. This method, in addition to the traditional synthetic approach, can accelerate the course of reactions and facilitate the preparation of the original molecules. The lecture also presented examples of the preparation of N-heterocyclic carbene complexes.

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