The 2nd International Conference “Language and speech on the Internet: personality, society, communication, culture”

The 2nd International Conference “Language and speech on the Internet: personality, society, communication, culture”

The 2nd International Scientific Conference “Language and Speech on the Internet: Personality, Society, Communication, Culture” was held with the support of the international association of teachers of russian language and literature on the 29-30 March in RUDN University.

The 2nd International Scientific Conference “Language and Speech on the Internet: Personality, Society, Communication, Culture” was held with the support of the international association of teachers of russian language and literature on the 29-30 March in RUDN University.

For the second time the conference became a discussion platform where leading experts in the field of linguistics, Russian studies, literature, culture, psychology and mass media discussed the issues related to new trends, technologies and features of the development of modern studies of the functioning of the language on the Internet.

Adaptation of languages in the conditions of their transition to the Internet space led to significant changes in linguistic, cultural, literary, psychological and scientific research. Among the main issues of the conference were the rapid transformation of the personality and society, the interweaving of online and offline communications, the origins of new formats in the language and the style of virtual communication.

The conference program included the following sections:

  1. Language and speech on the Internet
  2. Functioning of the Russian language on the Internet
  3. Mass communication in information media space
  4. Innovation technologies in learning and teaching languages and literature
  5. Information and linguistic security
  6. Media culture and literature in an information society
  7. Psychological aspects of virtual interaction of a personality and society
  8. Journalism in cyberspace

The conference, in the opinion of participants, has become an important and timely event for philologists, linguists, journalists, as well as all who are interested in the functioning of the Russian language on the Internet. Conference became a representative platform for the discussion of topical issues today functioning of the Russian language on the Internet, helped to improve professional knowledge and skills of students in this area.

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In 2017, RUDN University scientists constructed a new explicit second-order precision difference scheme using modern computer algebra methods for 2-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) [1]. This year, our mathematicians used a new scheme [2] to construct a numerical solution to the Cauchy problem with initial data (for t=0) as satisfying the continuity equation. Scientists managed to achieve previously unattainable accuracy of the continuity equation.
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