International Scientific Conference «World journalism: The Unity of Diversity»

International Scientific Conference «World journalism: The Unity of Diversity»

On the April 12, 2018 RUDN University philological faculty hosted the International Scientific Conference «World journalism: The Unity of Diversity».

Within the conference there were organized 4 sections on interests:

Section I. «International journalism and global politics in the modern world. The history of domestic and foreign journalism: facts, events, people»

Section II. «The modern Internet society in Russia and abroad: features and characteristics. New trends in the development of journalism in the digital age»

Section III. «Monopolization of the media in the context of national media markets. PR and advertising: global and national»

Section IV. «Language and style of media texts: problems of the norm. Journalism education in the world: new realities»

The main goal of the scientific conference «World Journalism: Unity of Diversity», consisting in an attempt to analyze and forecast the development of the Russian media system in today's difficult socio-economic and socio-political conditions, was achieved.

The conference «World Journalism: Unity of Diversity» was also aimed at promoting interdisciplinary research activities in the youth environment and attracting the most capable students of Russian and foreign universities to continue their research and postgraduate education in RUDN University. This important aspect is envisaged in the context of the project of increasing the competitiveness of the leading universities of RUDN University Competitiveness Enhancement Program “5-100”.

In the work of the scientific conference «World journalism: the unity of diversity» participated 109 people, including students, graduate students and professors

  • University of Sri Jayewardenepura (Colombo),
  • Anhui State Pedagogical University (Wuhu, China),
  • Belgorod State National University,
  • Yelets State Ivan Bunin University,
  • Kemerovo State University,
  • Renmin (People's) University of China (Beijing),
  • Mongolian National University (Ulan-Bator),
  • Moscow State Institute (University) of Culture,
  • Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs,
  • Moscow State University.
  • National University of Uzbekistan (Tashkent),
  • Novosibirsk State Technical University,
  • Omsk State University n. a. F.M. Dostoevsky,
  • Perm State National Research university,
  • Petrozavodsk State University,
  • Russian-Armenian University (Yerevan),
  • Russian State University for the Humanities,
  • Russian State Social University,
  • Surgut State Pedagogical University,
  • Uzbekistan State University of World Languages (Tashkent),
  • Ural Federal University,
  • Southern Federal University.

Journalists, representatives of the international news agency «Russia Today», Channel One, Publishing House «Komsomolskaya Pravda» attended the conference.

The conferences held by the Department of Theory and History of Journalism are well known outside the university due to topical issues, are always acutely polemical. The number of participants of the conference grows every year. In this regard, it is proposed to consider the possibility of applying for funding the conference from the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation as an event that has an actual scientific and practical character and status in the professional community.

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