XII International scientific conference «ADVERTISING VECTOR 2018: time for innovations»

XII International scientific conference «ADVERTISING VECTOR 2018: time for innovations»

On the 10 – 11 of April, 2018 in RUDN University was held the XII International scientific conference «ADVERTISING VECTOR 2018: time for innovations»

The organizer of this scientific event is the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of the Institute of world economy and business (RUDN University). Co-organizers of the event - Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR), RISEBA University of Business, Arts and Technology (Riga, Latvia).

The conference purposes were the discussing and research of the main trends for development of modern advertising and public relations, getting attention of the public to advertising and PR (as scientific directions), activation of the students and young scientists’ creative potential.

More than 250 students and young specialists from Armenia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Congo, Latvia, Turkey, Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation have participated in this conference. RUDN University young scientists, experts and students of «Advertising and Public Relations» and also professors interested in strategic development of training of new generation of professionals for business communications have participated in the conference.

Within the conference for all participants were organized plenary sections and sessions, master classes with the famous advertising practitioners.

Conference sections:

  1. Section «Advertising and PR-campaigns: current trends»
  2. Section «Marketing communications: problems and solutions»
  3. Section «Internet Marketing: Development Prospects»

April 11, 2017 held 8 master classes. Their professional experience with the students was shared by:

• Oleg Barenboim, creative director of TUTKOVBUDKOV,

• Gibson Michael, creative consultant at Buta Lab,

• Rakova Yulia, marketing director GetResponse Russia, head of innovative projects of the SKOLKOVO business community,

• Ugryumov Ivan, head of the sector of specialized projects of the Mediascope television department,

• Filyurin Alexander, the leading editor of the animation studio Agama-film, co-owner of the advertising group «Melekhov and Filyurin»

• Alexandra Ryabchikova, FIFA Brand Protection Manager,

72 articles were selected for publication in the conference proceedings «Advertising Vector 2018: The Time of Innovation».

Among the special guests of the conference:

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Evstafyev - vice-president of the Association of the Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR), honorary member of the Russian association for public relations (RASO)

Among the foreign participants - Sennikova I. Rector RISEBA, Latvia; Sarkane G. Director of the program «Management of advertising and public relations» RISEBA, Latvia; Dr. Weinberg S. Senior Lecturer RISEBA, Latvia; Dr. Vasilyeva T. Senior Lecturer, Vice-Rector for Research, Head of the Center for Information Technologies and Mathematics RISEBA, Latvia; Dr. Kreitus I. Assistant, Vice-Rector of RISEBA, Latvia; Naidenko P. Head of External Relations Department RISEBA, Latvia.

At the plenary session the following speakers made presentations:

• Glagoleva Natalia, Director of the Marketing Communications Department of MTS,

• Evstafiev Vladimir, President of the Communication Agency «IMA-press», Vice-President of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR),

• Alexander Chumikov, general director of PR-agency «International Press Club. Chumikov PR and consulting», Chairman of the Education Committee of the Russian Association for Public Relations (RASO), promobot agency for innovative advertising John Galt

Registered 258 conference participants from 29 educational institutions. The conference was held at a high methodological and organizational level. In the future, it is necessary to develop the status of an international conference, attracting new participants from foreign countries.

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