Measures to support the publication activity of research and teaching staff

Measures to support the publication activity of research and teaching staff

Adherence to the current scientific agenda, interdisciplinary approach to research and the priority of international collaboration have brought the publication activity of RUDN scientists to a new level. In order to encourage our scientific and pedagogical staff special incentive measures have been developed. Lump sum payments within the framework of Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100 are established for publications in authoritative journals, external citation and publications in the “open access” mode.

I. Payments for publications:

  • Publication in a foreign Q1 journal, indexed in databases WoS and / or Scopus - 90 000 rubles.
  • Published conference proceedings within the subject area of Computer Science level A* CORE rating. The amount of payment is equal to the size of payment for publication in the Q1 journal - 90 000 rubles.
  • Publication of WoS / Scopus in a foreign Q2 journal, included in the “white list” (the “white list” is available at www.rad.pfu.edu.ru) - 70 000 rubles.
  • Conference materials for which the SJR indicator (without quartile) is calculated, published in conference proceedings. Conferences should be included in the Scopus list of sources and marked ongoing (download the list of journals indexed in Scopus here: elsevierscience.ru). The size of the payment is equal to the size of the payment for publication in the Q2 journal- 70,000 rubles.
  • Scopus publication in the the TOP-1% journal by SJR (you can find out the rating of the journal here: https://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php) – 150 000 rubles.
  • Additional payment for publication in collaboration with a scientist from a foreign university with an h-index of more than 10 for social and human sciences and more than 30 for all other fields of science – 30 000 rubles.

II. Citation Payments:

  • External citation of a WoS / Scopus publication in a foreign Q1 journal – 4 500 rubles.
  • External citation of a WoS / Scopus publication in a foreign Q2 journal – 2 100 rubles.
  • Multiple external citation of a Scopus publication in a foreign journal:
    • at least 5 times – 100 000 rubles,
    • at least 10 times – 200 000 rubles and
    • at least 15 times – 300 000 rubles.

III. OpenAccess Publishing Payments

Compensation and payment for publications posted in OpenAccess mode - free access for readers.

RUDN University staff claiming to receive incentive payments undertake the obligation to provide information to the PR office of the RUDN Research Establishment for the preparation of a post-release and to assist in the adjustment and approval of the final materials.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Research Establishment: science@rudn.ru

Research and Innovative Activity View all
30 Dec 2020
In 2017, RUDN University scientists constructed a new explicit second-order precision difference scheme using modern computer algebra methods for 2-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) [1]. This year, our mathematicians used a new scheme [2] to construct a numerical solution to the Cauchy problem with initial data (for t=0) as satisfying the continuity equation. Scientists managed to achieve previously unattainable accuracy of the continuity equation.
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