Issue № 2 / 2020 Newsletter archive
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Research and Innovative Activity View all
20 Jul 2020
A RUDN chemist has synthesized an electrocatalyst based on gold nanoparticles with organic ligands, which can trigger both hydrogen production reactions and oxygen reduction reactions in fuel cells. The yield of products with the new catalyst was twice as high as when using a traditional platinum-based catalyst.
20 Jul 2020
A chemist from RUDN University has proposed a new way to control toluene photooxidation using composite catalysts — artificial diamond and titanium dioxide. The discovery refutes the previously existing physical hypothesis about the process of photooxidation of toluene.
20 Jul 2020
A RUDN University biologist has developed a model for the analysis of photosynthesis in vivo. This method allows you to calculate the absorption coefficient of light by chlorophyll, based on its reflectivity. Analysis of light absorption is important for assessing ecosystem productivity, which affects the state of the biosphere and the global climate.
20 Jul 2020
A RUDN University chemist has synthesized an analog of alpkinidine, a compound that can be used as an anticancer drug. The authors of the experiment were able to obtain its analog via the Negishi reaction and subsequent annulation – a reaction aimed at completing the “rings” to the existing cyclic compound. Previously, there were no ways to synthesize this substance. The developed method could potentially become the basis for a scheme of the synthesis of alpkinidine.
20 Jul 2020
A RUDN University biochemist has studied the stimulating effect of chemical substances on the catabolic enzyme PAO (polyamine oxidase). The results could contribute to the development of drugs against cancer. The article is published in the journal Amino Acids.
20 Jul 2020
Mathematical modeling of many processes in Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Physics, and other sciences is impossible without solving ordinary differential equations (ODE). Such equations most often contain a nonlinear dependence on an unknown function and its derivatives of various orders (n>1), which makes it very difficult to study and solve them.
20 Jul 2020
RUDN University immunologist suggested which recombinant allergen molecules of the pollen of the postennitsa Parietaria Judaica are needed for allergen-specific immunotherapy of allergies.
20 Jul 2020
RUDN mathematicians received an estimate of the solution of inverse problems of the Laplace differential equation. Having a set of values that characterize the Laplace map and the Dirichlet-Neumann limit parameters, they were able to obtain conditions that determine the type of space under study. The obtained result allows us to describe the nature of physical space in the problems of electrostatics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, continuum physics and in the problem of studying the thermal conductivity of the medium.
20 Jul 2020
Chemist from RUDN University in collaboration with colleagues from the Institute of organic chemistry named after N. D. Zelinsky and the Institute of developmental biology named after N. K. Koltsova RAS has developed a new method for the synthesis of isoxazole derivatives-substances that destabilize the process of cell division and in the future may become the basis for new anti-cancer drugs. The new method is based on the use of readily available reagents and does not require high temperatures.
20 Jul 2020
Mathematicians from RUDN University have studied the properties of composition operators in spaces with mixed Lebesgue norms. This will help describe the diffusion of liquids in materials with cracks and in porous materials. Such spaces can also be useful for obtaining estimates for solutions to the Navier-Stokes equation.
20 Jul 2020
At the end of the last century, Soviet scientists proposed the drug “Perftoran” as a blood substitute, which today could safely be called innovative. Created on the basis of perfluorocarbon compounds, it could compensate for the lack of oxygen in the patient’s body due to the absorption mechanism of its transfer. However, the composition, unofficially named for the color “blue blood”, revealed certain shortcomings, which the authors were not able to eliminate at the time. We could not do it abroad.
20 Jul 2020
Biologist from RUDN University Morteza Yousefi has found that lavender extract added to the food reduces stress and improves immunity in carp in fish farms. The discovery may be used in fish farming.
20 Jul 2020
Ecologists from RUDN University studied abandoned vineyards and forests in Italy and found that a high concentration of nitrogen and carbon could be observed in the soil of an old oak forest which was free from anthropogenic stress for about 200 years, while in the soils of vineyards abandoned relatively recently the concentration is many times less. The data show that even Mediterranean soils, affected by humans, can accumulate large amounts of carbon and nitrogen in the process of changing the vegetation community.
20 Jul 2020
RUDN University chemists together with colleagues from other countries synthesized new compounds that effectively bind lead ions and can be used to remove it from wastewater and even from the living organism, that is, to play the role of an antidote for lead poisoning. The article is published in the journal Crystals.
20 Jul 2020
Mathematicians from RUDN University have developed a computational model that allows predicting the mobility of T-lymphocytes, immune cells that recognise and destroy viruses. The model will help, in particular, in the treatment of the immune system disorders, including those that can lead to cancer, and in the development of HIV vaccines.
20 Jul 2020
It has been a month since the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia joined the #мейкерыпротивковид (makers against Covid) movement and has been helping doctors and patients with 3D printing. Engineer Mark Dyachenko from the Center for Additive and Foreign Technologies of RUDN University used a 3D-printer to print 1,149 adapters for mask filters, which are used by doctors in more than 15 hospitals in Moscow.
20 Jul 2020
May 20 is the world day of melanoma diagnostics. Until a few years ago, this shocking diagnosis meant, in most cases, that the patient was doomed. Melanoma is very aggressive: it progresses quickly and actively metastasizes. Professor Konstantin Titov, the head of the Department of Surgery and Oncology of the Department of the Continuous Medical Education of the Medical Institute of RUDN, the head of the Department of Cutaneous and Soft Tissue Tumors of A. S. Loginov Moscow Clinical Research Center, spoke about the methods of self-examination, the time to consult a doctor, and the novel methods in the treatment of melanoma.
20 Jul 2020
Every year in Russia, about 4 thousand children need help of cancer surgeons. The lives of children depend on the professionalism and knowledge of surgeons. RUDN experts share relevant information and many years of experience for the first time in Russia, presenting systemic knowledge of pediatric thoracoabdominal oncological surgery in an encyclopedia published by a professor at the Faculty of Continuing Medical Education of RUDN University, Doctor of medical sciences Andrey Ryabov. The book is edited by the former chief oncologist of Russia, a brilliant oncologist surgeon, legendary academician Mikhail Davydov.
Visiting Professors View all
20 Jul 2020
On April 25, an online seminar was held by Professor Michael McCarthy on the topic “Corpora and the Advanced Level: Bridges to Specialization”. The possibility of using corpora in teaching advanced-level students is already on the agenda.
20 Jul 2020
On May 15 and 18, more than 100 undergraduate and graduate students of the Foreign Languages Institute participated in the new format of the Student Research School 2020. The things that rallied the participants included not only the remote format on Microsoft Teams platform, which had already become familiar, but also the presentation of the material in a simple, clear language. The speakers were the students themselves.
Student's Scientific Initiatives View all
20 Jul 2020
On May 6, the Student Research School 2020 was held at the Medical Institute. This year's event was held in a new, remote, format, based on the Microsoft Teams application. The goal of the school is to popularize research activity among students and help them make their first steps into the world of science.
20 Jul 2020
On April 30 and May 1, 2020, the Hospitality and Tourism Institute of RUDN held the School of the Student Research Council. The speakers who addressed students included Olga Vladimirovna Pasko, professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the head of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality of the Hospitality and Tourism Institute; Ekaterina Vasilievna Kalygina, senior lecturer, head of the Student Research Society at the Hospitality and Tourism Institute; Sanda Viorelovna Chebotaru, a master degree student and a laboratory assistant of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality; Ksenia Vladimirovna Golodnaya, the President of the Student Research Society at the Hospitality and Tourism Institute. Igor Gennadievich Kozlov, a representative of the real economy sector and the Director General of Russian Travel Design, also addressed the students.
20 Jul 2020
On may 28, 2020, the RUDN Academy of Engineering hosted the School of the Student Research Council. The students were addressed by Sergey Kupreev, deputy director for scientific work, doctor of technical sciences; Alexander V. Marusin, associate professor and second-year master’s student Yevgeniya V. Ermakova.
20 Jul 2020
New devices, materials, chemical and intelligent production technologies-scientific projects of young researchers of the RUDN University received financial support.
International scientific cooperation View all
20 Jul 2020
Adherence to the current scientific agenda, interdisciplinary approach to research and the priority of international collaboration have brought the publication activity of RUDN scientists to a new level. In order to encourage our scientific and pedagogical staff special incentive measures have been developed. Lump sum payments within the framework of Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100 are established for publications in authoritative journals, external citation and publications in the “open access” mode.
Scientific Conferences View all
20 Jul 2020
It would be shortsighted to underestimate the outcomes of the First world war. The mistakes made in this war, which were not taken into consideration, largely determined the further course of history of the 20th century. The radical restructuring of the world order did not solve all the accumulated problems. Over the past hundred years, researchers have been rethinking the role of the first world war: one of the key projects, which brought together 28 participants from 11 countries, was completed in the Romanian city of Alba Iulia at the conference “International Treaties of the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920)”. According to its results, a collective monograph was published in the very heart of the victorious Entente, at Cambridge Scholars Publishing, entitled “The Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920) and Its Aftermath. Settlements, Problems and Perceptions”.