Russian Journal of Linguistics entered the first quartile of Scopus

Russian Journal of Linguistics entered the first quartile of Scopus

Russian Journal of Linguistics became one of the best scientific publications in the world according to results of the SCImago international rating. Thus, the journal is recognized as the most highly cited linguistic journal in Russia.

Russian Journal of Linguistics is not only a scientific periodical, but also a platform for discussing topical issues and research areas, as well as a center for the consolidation of Russian and foreign scientists, in which graduate students and students are involved.

"Entering the first quartile is the cherished goal of any scientific journal. Most often, it is almost unattainable, especially (as it has historically happened) for humanitarian publications. But, as you know, the impossible is possible, and it just requires more time, effort and the right algorithm of actions. This was proved by Russian Journal of Linguistics," Yulia Ebzeeva, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology, Director of the Institute of Modern Languages, Intercultural Communication and Migration (IMLICaM), Vice Rector for Education, RUDN University.

The public service SCImago includes a list of scientific journals and publication indicators of various countries. The developers take data from the scientometric international database Scopus. This information is used by scientists for comparison and analysis. The most popular and cited journals receive the quartile Q1, followed by the categories Q2, Q3, and closes the list Q4.

In the direction of Linguistics and Language (Social Sciences), the Russian Journal of Linguistics is in the first place. The impact factor of the publication has more than doubled over the year — from 0.195 to 0.413. In the categories Linguistics and Language (Social Sciences) and Language and Linguistics (Arts and Humanities), the Russian Journal of Linguistics strengthened its position and rose from 7th to 1st place among Russian journals indexed in Scopus.

The formula for success

"There is no universal formula for success. Everything is always very individual. Success is an equation where there are often many unknowns. We managed to solve this equation! Q1 = high-quality content + a wide geography of authors + an enthusiastic team + self-confidence and a little luck! I sincerely wish the Russian Journal of Linguistics to solve equations of any complexity!", - Yulia Ebzeeva, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology, Director of the Institute of Modern Languages, Intercultural Communication and Migration (IMLICaM), Vice Rector for Education, RUDN University.

The editorial board of the Russian Journal of Linguistics has developed an individual development program based on the specifics of its subject area and readership. It was important to create a new format of the publication that would meet international standards and could stand on a par with its Western counterparts.

To solve this problem, a number of reorganization measures were taken:

  • creation of a bilingual website on the Open Journal Systems platform with an automatic electronic system for submitting manuscripts for consideration, as well as for reviewing received articles;
  • switching from a Russian-language name to an English-language one;
  • formation of an expert council, whose members carry out double anonymous review of publications;
  • an increase in the share of articles by highly cited foreign authors, as well as the share of scientific reviews, reviews of new books and monographs;
  • attracting English-language editors to work on current issues of the journal.

In addition, the editorial policy of the publication has changed — new goals and topics of articles have been identified.

Journal goals:

  • to acquaint readers with the latest trends and theories in the field of linguistic research being developed both in Russia and abroad, and their practical application;
  • to publish the results of original scientific research on a wide range of topical linguistic problems of an interdisciplinary nature, revealing the interaction of language, culture, consciousness and communication;

Success ideas

The thematic focus of Russian Journal of Linguistics is on functional and socio-cognitive aspects of various languages. The main research area is the influence of socio-cultural contexts on the development and use of language.

This special approach allows us to present in the journal research from a wide range of interdisciplinary fields of linguistics: language and culture, comparative linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, pragmatics, discursive analysis, intercultural communication, theory and practice of translation.

The distinctive features of the journal are regular thematic issues on topical issues for the Russian and international scientific community, with the invitation of editors-well-known experts in this field, and leading scientists of world renown. Invited co-editors of such issues can be both Russian and foreign specialists. A comprehensive in-depth study of ambiguous problems of linguistics contributes to clarifying positions on controversial issues, a comprehensive presentation of various scientific schools, and the development of optimal research principles.

Russian Journal of Linguistics

  • 2017 – included in the WoS database;
  • 2018 – included in the Scopus database;
  • 2020 – the impact factor is assigned, according to which the journal immediately gets into Scopus Q2;
  • 2021 – entered Scopus Q1.

In 2022, the Russian Journal of Linguistics will be 25 years old. In 1997, the journal was headed by Natalia Mikhailovna Firsova (1929-2013), an outstanding Russian Spanish philologist and teacher. It was she who outlined the range of scientific interests of the journal, which to this day do not lose their relevance.

In 2013, the journal entered a new stage of development with the arrival of Tatyana Viktorovna Larina, Professor, Doctor of Philology, who replaced Natalia Mikhailovna as editor-in-chief. There are new strategies for organizing the publication process: attracting international leading experts to the editorial board, expanding the geography of authors and readers, introducing a system of double anonymous reviewing. The scope of publications is significantly expanding: the journal begins to cover the functional and socio-cognitive aspects of various languages, to publish the results of original scientific research on a wide range of topical linguistic problems of an interdisciplinary nature, revealing the interaction of language, culture, consciousness and communication. Regular thematic issues are beginning to be published, Russian and foreign scientists are invited co-editors. Among the authors are cult names for linguists: A. Wierzbicka, C. Goddard, J.M. Dewaele, M. Kopytowska, A. Kirkpatrick, N. Hino, L. Alba-Juez and many others. In addition to scientific articles, a chronicle of scientific life is published, including reviews, scientific reviews, information about conferences, scientific projects, etc.

In 2017, the journal is included in the scientometric database of Web of Science, and a year later the editorial board opens the doors to Scopus. In June 2020, the journal is assigned an impact factor, according to which it immediately falls into the Q2 category, and just a year later — into Q1.

2021 – the staff of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology under the leadership of Yulia Nikolaevna Ebzeeva does not plan to dwell on the achievements of the Russian Journal of Linguistics and is ready to move into the top 10% of the best journals in the world.

Thank you for your success

"I thank the entire staff of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Philological Faculty and the staff of the Institute of Modern Languages, Intercultural Communication and Migration, especially the editor-in-chief of the Russian Journal of Linguistics Tatyana Larina, Executive Secretary Alexander Ignatenko, former Executive Secretary Anna Borisova, proofreader and editor Yulia Yuryeva, technical editor Anastasia Borzenkova," Yulia Ebzeeva said.

For reference

Quartile is a category of scientific journals determined by bibliometric indicators reflecting the level of citation, that is, the demand for the journal by the scientific community. As a result of ranking, each journal falls into one of four quartiles: from Q1 (the highest) to Q4 (the lowest). The most authoritative journals belong, as a rule, to the first two quartiles-Q1 and Q2.

The impact factor, or JCR, is used to determine the credibility of the journal. It can give an approximate idea of how prestigious the publication is in its field. The impact factor of a publication is a scientometric indicator that determines its position in the overall rating.

The Scopus database is a bibliographic and abstract database and a tool for tracking the citation of articles published in scientific publications.

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