Research and Innovative Activity
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11 Oct 2021
A clinical pharmacologist from RUDN University together with his colleagues from Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology completed the second stage of a clinical trial of a new TB vaccine that was conducted with the participation of 180 volunteers. The trial confirmed the safety and efficiency of the vaccine.
11 Oct 2021
Gravity might play a bigger role in the formation of elementary particles than scientists used to believe. A team of physicists from RUDN University obtained some solutions of semi-classical models that describe particle-like waves. They also calculated the ratio between the gravitational interaction of particles and the interaction of their charges.
06 Jul 2021
A specialist in spacecraft movement control analyzed the process of placing vehicle stages, boosters, and other space debris into the so-called disposal orbit and suggested cleaning lower orbits up with a spacecraft that has modules with engine units on board. These modules will attach to space debris objects and move them away. As for the geostationary orbit, a preferable way to clean it up would be a towing spacecraft that transports space debris objects into the disposal orbit. The research was carried out in collaboration with a team from Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
06 Jul 2021
A chemist from RUDN has synthesized and described three compounds with manganese atoms in the center. They can be used as catalysts or new generation information storage cells.
06 Jul 2021
Turing patterns are mathematical expressions of the structures formed in chemical and biological systems, such as spots and stripes on the animal skin. A team of scientists from RUDN University found out that the traditional mathematical conditions of their existence failed to describe the whole range of real-life cases, and that the criteria of their emergence are more flexible.
06 Jul 2021
Heavy metals suppress enzyme activity in the soil by 3-3.5 times and have especially prominent effect on the enzymes that support carbon and sulfur circulation. This was discovered by a soil scientist from RUDN together with his colleagues from Chile, Germany, the UK and Venezuela. The data obtained by the team can lead to more efficient use and fertilization of agricultural lands.
06 Jul 2021
RUDN University chemists proposed a new way to synthesize catalysts for the conversion of ethyl alcohol. The obtained materials are promising catalysts for the selective conversion of ethanol, which is an important stage in the development of an alternative technology for obtaining valuable chemical synthesis products based on plant raw materials.
06 Jul 2021
RUDN soil scientist has found that plants with deep root systems contribute to the accumulation of organic carbon in the ground. This ability of soils can reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and mitigate climate change.
06 Jul 2021
An ecologist from RUDN University together with colleagues from 14 countries compared three methods for estimating ecosystem transpiration in a study. In the first ever research with such a comprehensive data-set, the team used land-atmosphere water vapor flux data of collected at 251 locations all over the planet, from Australia to Greenland. The outcome of the research help to understand the role of plants in the global water and carbon cycles in the current predicament of global warming.
06 Jul 2021
Professor from RUDN has developed a method for quantifying the sustainability of systems. It can be used, for example, to analyze risks in the development of new territories and the dynamics of ecological change.
06 Jul 2021
A chemist from RUDN University suggested a simple and accurate method for the synthesis of analogs of two natural toxins, antofine and septicine. This universal approach can also be used to obtain other biologically active substances for medicinal chemistry.
06 Jul 2021
Iron minerals and bacteria can be the main agents of carbon dioxide emissions from the soil. A soil scientist from RUDN University made this conclusion after studying the process of organic plant waste decomposition of the micro-level. Iron and hydrogen peroxide enter into a reaction, as a result of which active oxygen forms (oxygen radicals) are formed. The radicals destroy plant waste in the soil and promote carbon dioxide emissions.
06 Jul 2021
The tracking of eye movement is one of the key elements of virtual and amplified reality technologies (VR/AR). Professor from RUDN University developed a mathematical model that helps accurately predict the next gaze fixation point and reduces the inaccuracy caused by blinking. At the same time, the observational error that occurs due to blinking was reduced by 10 times. The model would make VR/AR systems more realistic and sensitive to user actions.
06 Jul 2021
A researcher from RUDN University suggested that Xanthomonas bacteria that are harmful to plants might have developed from a nonpathogenic related species by receiving virulence genes from other species of bacteria.
06 Jul 2021
RUDN University Pediatric cardiologists studied the mechanism of development of complications from the cardiovascular system in patients with bronchial asthma. It turned out that the narrowing of the bronchi can lead to dangerous disorders of the heart from an early age.
06 Jul 2021
Many substances with different chemical and physical properties, from diamonds to graphite, are made up of carbon atoms. Amorphous forms of solid carbon do not have a fixed crystal structure and consist of structural units—nanosized graphene particles. A team of physicists from RUDN University studied the structure of amorphous carbon and suggested classifying it as a separate type of amorphous solid bodies: a molecular amorphic with enforced fragmentation.
06 Jul 2021
A team of scientists from RUDN University and the Dokuchyaev Soil Science Institute developed a method for identifying the color of soil at different depths and the structure of soil profile using ground-penetrating radar. With this methodology, scientists can identify the chemical composition of the soil and classify it for potential use in construction, agriculture, or mining without digging soil sections.
06 Jul 2021
A team of researchers found out that children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) have increased levels of the amino acid hydroxyproline. According to the medics, this may be associated with joint hypermobility, a common symptom in ASD patients. This information can help improve anti-ASD therapy. The work was published in the Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders journal.
06 Jul 2021
Sociologists interviewed residents of Moscow and Perth to find out what role urban green areas played for them during the pandemic. It turned out that the majority of respondents in both cities consider contact with nature important for mental well-being, and many of them went out for walks in their free time, despite the restrictions.
06 Jul 2021
A team of linguists from RUDN University established that a person's ability to accurately differentiate between vowel sounds of a foreign language correlates with the size of their vocabulary in said language.
06 Jul 2021
A team of soil scientists from RUDN University confirmed that traditional approaches to urban soil pollution monitoring ignore actual risks for urban residents because they don't take into consideration the barrier function of the soil. The team used Moscow as an example to show that not only polluted downtown districts but also recreational parks and forest zones can pose a threat to people. This is due to the fact that the barrier functions of the soil are weaker in green suburbs, making it unable to withstand even the slightest pollution.
06 Jul 2021
A chemist from RUDN University used a copper catalyst in the click reaction of triazole synthesis. Triazoles are bioactive substances that are used to treat fungal diseases and synthesize pharmaceutical drugs and also play a role in polymer chemistry. The catalyst not only increased the reaction rate several times, but also allowed it to be carried out at room temperature and without the use of a base and solvents. The effectiveness of the reaction at the same time turned out to be almost 100% and had no by-products. The reaction mechanism was also studied in detail, and it was shown that it differs from the generally accepted one.
06 Jul 2021
The RUDN Academy of Engineering has created an algorithm that estimates the trajectory of the flight to the satellites with high accuracy. The development will allow saving on the maintenance of low-orbit satellites and on clearing space from debris.
06 Jul 2021
A chemist from RUDN University together with colleagues created a new type of two-dimensional nanofilm from an organic material called calixarene. The invention can be used as a protective coating in electronics and as a part of molecular filters. They also suggested a way of increasing the durability of such films with UV radiation.
Visiting Professors
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06 Jul 2021
The RUDN University Academic Council Commission on Foreign Languages held its June research seminar in cooperation with international community of language teachers who became part of the international pro-bono project on challenges and solutions to foreign languages training during COVID-19.
Student's Scientific Initiatives
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06 Jul 2021
The project "RUDN IFL Mobile Application" won in the "MIO-MEDIA" nomination at the 15th All-Russian Herzen Forum "My Initiative in Education.
International scientific cooperation
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06 Jul 2021
Russian Journal of Linguistics became one of the best scientific publications in the world according to results of the SCImago international rating. Thus, the journal is recognized as the most highly cited linguistic journal in Russia.
Scientific Conferences
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06 Jul 2021
The monograph "Religion in Modern Russia: Pandemic Events and Discourses" was presented at the RUDN. RUDN scientists and from other universities conducted the study by Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant under the guidance of Maria Mchedlova, head of the Department of Comparative Politics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. This is the second book on the relationship between society, politics, and religion in contemporary Russia. It was published jointly with the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.