Congratulations to Daria Ostrikova on the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation!

Congratulations to Daria Ostrikova on the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation!

Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Probability and Informatics, scientist Daria Ostrikova has received Russian Presidential Scholarship 2022-2024 for young scientists and post-graduate students. Daria received the scholarship for the implementation of the scientific project "Analytical modeling and techniques of energy efficiency enhancement in 6G terahertz networks" in the direction of modernization "Strategic information technologies, including the issues of creating supercomputers and software development". More about the contest Results of the scholarship competition in 2022 Statistics on the scholarship competition in 2022: 2931 applications were submitted, of which 445 are winners (15 %).

“When I received the scholarship, first I was proud of the Department of Applied Probability and Informatics, and of our entire scientific team. After all, undoubtedly, this is our common victory!

“I plan to continue to actively participate in scientific activities and in a couple of years to enter the defense of my doctoral thesis. The topic of energy efficiency I expect to develop models of user service with a given quality of service and energy efficiency in heterogeneous 6G communication networks with several simultaneously active interfaces (LTE/NR/THz), inter- and intra-multi-connectivity. I also plan to develop recommendations for network operators and manufacturers of network and subscriber equipment for different types and stages of 6G communication network deployment,” — said Daria Ostrikova.

Why is this research important and promising?


New communication network augmented service and virtual reality, telepresence, 8/16K video and various scenarios of their use require higher speeds in the wireless access area. The most promising communication system for this is 6G. It will use the highest frequencies of the millimeter and terahertz bands, their bandwidth is an order of magnitude higher. However, there are some limitations in the use of these frequency bands.


To improve the energy efficiency of user device service in 6G networks and maintain a given quality of service, it is necessary to develop:

  • mathematical models to account for device service interruptions in the terahertz band;
  • system-level analysis and design methods in terahertz networks that take into account the mobility, macro and micro mobility of user devices.


The RUDN scientist's project is aimed at finding methods and developing mathematical models that will eliminate the effects of negative effects when using high frequencies of the millimeter and terahertz ranges.

Prospective result

Recommendations on user session service management in 6G access networks will be developed, important data for current research will be obtained, and the results will be used for 6G network design.

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