The winners of the competition "Project Start: Scientific Agenda by Host Countries" spoke about their research

The winners of the competition "Project Start: Scientific Agenda by Host Countries" spoke about their research

The competitive track “Project Start: Research Agenda by Host Countries” is aimed at improving the efficiency of scientific schools focused on applied research on topics of RUDN host countries.

Applications in this direction were submitted by foreign students to solve any problem of their country or region as a whole. A total of 38 papers were sent, of which 22 received the highest marks. 41 students took part in the competition, and the number of winners and prize-winners was 25 people.

Students conducted their research in four areas:

  • technical and natural;
  • biomedical;
  • humanities;
  • socio-economic sciences.

The main criteria for evaluating the quality of the work were: novelty, relevance, and practical application. To receive the highest score, the participants had to demonstrate to the panel of judges the innovative potential of the study, their passion for the idea and the level of knowledge of the material.

Students from Sri Lanka, Zambia and Uzbekistan told what their research was aimed at.

A vaccinated world. What is getting in the way and how we can achieve this goal

2020 will be remembered for the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and a global pandemic, and 2021 for vaccinations around the world. Over the past year, the number of vaccinated people has increased significantly. However, part of the population claims that the effectiveness of the vaccine has not lived up to expectations. This can be explained by both modifiable (eg. non-adherence to preventive measures) and non-modifiable (eg. emergence of new strains) factors that interfere with achieving the best results. Working on these factors can significantly improve the effect of vaccination.

“Our goal is to compare vaccination statistics around the world, analyze what goals have been achieved, and evaluate the effectiveness of vaccination. So, with the help of Google Forms, a retrospective survey was conducted among residents of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the former Soviet Socialist Republics. It was attended by 439 people. In addition, we have created a page on Instagram ‘know_it_all_on_covid’ to share information about the severity of the situation with the spread of the infection, as well as to talk about the effectiveness of vaccination,” — said Musonda Ketura.

  • Jayasinghe Havpage Manuli Gayathma — specialist programme, IV year, programme “General Medicine”, Medical Institute, Sri Lanka.
  • Musonda Ketura — specialist programme, IV year, IV year, programme “General Medicine”, Medical Institute, Zambia.

Intercultural differences in the manifestation of emotions among Russian, Uzbek and Korean students

It’s no secret that a person’s behavior can be influenced by several factors, including his ethnic group. Elisaveta Batyrova found out that Russian, Uzbek and Korean students have pronounced emotional stability in situations of stress, but there is an inability to manage emotions and dose them. If we talk about the differences, the results of the study revealed that the Uzbeks are more dominated by “understanding of emotions”, while the Koreans have a predominance over the management of emotions. This feature of this ethnic group is due to the requirement of culture: to suppress the manifestations of emotions to preserve the “face” — their status. A distinctive feature of the Russian ethnos lies in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the manifestations of emotions. This is due to the specifics of emotional intelligence: both intrapersonal and interpersonal.

“I chose this topic not only because I study at a multinational university, but also for the sake of researching my ethnic background. My mother is Korean, and my father has Uzbek, Russian and Jewish roots. I saw how parents sometimes reacted differently to certain situations. And I became interested in how different peoples show their emotions,” — said Elisaveta Batyrova.

  • Elisaveta Batyrova — bachelor’s degree, IV year, programme “Psychology”, Faculty of Philology, Uzbekistan.
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Research and Innovative Activity View all
30 Dec 2020
In 2017, RUDN University scientists constructed a new explicit second-order precision difference scheme using modern computer algebra methods for 2-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) [1]. This year, our mathematicians used a new scheme [2] to construct a numerical solution to the Cauchy problem with initial data (for t=0) as satisfying the continuity equation. Scientists managed to achieve previously unattainable accuracy of the continuity equation.
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