Experts from 15 countries gave answers to questions about mental health

Experts from 15 countries gave answers to questions about mental health

5–7 October RUDN University hosted the conference “Commitment to Mental Health”. For three days, the invited participants of the event raised and discussed issues related to the social, psychological and medical aspects of the life of a modern person.

On October 5 together with the partners of the conference and under the leadership of “Manpower” a round table, a corporate block of cases and a psychotherapeutic session were held.

At the round table “Commitment to mental health issues: social, psychological, medical aspects of the issue”, in particular, the results of a longitudinal study were presented.

Leading practitioners shared their cases in the corporate block “Psychological well-being management at the organization level”:

  • Kristina Aidumova — head of SMM direction Dodo pizza;
  • Vitaly Altukhov — director of development and research, co-founder “Profilum”;
  • Julia Karaseva — CEO of the company “Inbalance”;
  • Oksana Sukonkina — Head of training and personnel development Medpoint24;
  • Alexander Rau — trainer Adidas Academypracticing psychologist, gestalt therapist, wellness coach;
  • Tatyana Kalinichenko — HR manager Email Soldiers;
  • Nadezhda Safyan — candidate of psychological sciences;
  • Olga Melnikova — Director of Business Development “Corporate Health”.

At a psychotherapeutic session dedicated to the personality of a person, practitioners shared tips on how to maintain and strengthen psychological health:

  • Anna Butakova — clinical psychologist, cognitive behavioral therapist;
  • Anastasia Kuzina — humanistic psychologist, psychotherapist, author and presenter of psychological trainings, business coach;
  • Vitalina Burova — PhD, psychiatrist, and psychotherapist.

On October 6, the conference took place: a plenary session and 7 sections, at which 194 reports were presented. Among the 400 participants are students, graduate students, practicing psychologists, university professors and scientists, including 85 foreign representatives from 15 countries: Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vietnam, Germany, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Russia, Serbia, USA, Croatia. 300 people represented 25 regions of the Russian Federation: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Tomsk, Yekaterinburg, Kemerovo, Khabarovsk, Yaroslavl, Cheboksary, etc.

Well-known scientists from Armenia, Belarus, Italy, Kazakhstan, Serbia, the USA and Russia presented a report on the problems of the mental health of a modern person and technologies for its maintenance.

Section directions:

  • The problem of professional health and self-realization in conditions of emotional tension;
  • Problems of maintaining the psychological health of students and teachers;
  • The problem of psychological well-being in a situation of uncertainty;
  • mental health. Diagnosis and support in situations of emotional instability;
  • Education in the era of digitalization and its impact on psychological health;
  • Providing emergency and crisis psychological assistance to participants in educational relations: technologies and methods;
  • Children’s health in modern society.

The conference ended with a festival Mental Health Film Festival. The program included a documentary film “In the Garden of the Mind” by Italian director Mateo Balsamo about the work of a psychiatric hospital. In the film, patients, doctors, photojournalists spoke about the conditions of treatment, shared their own views on mental health and its social consequences. Participants discussed the video with mental health experts:

  • Alina Radunskaya — special guest, director Mental Health Film Festival;
  • Igor Pavlovich Krokhin — Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Psychology Moscow Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimova;
  • Vadim Rudolfovich Shlychkov — employee Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov and AAcademy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia named after D.I. Mikhailika;
  • Zulfiya Khayrova — festival moderator, Ph.D., teacher Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, RUDN University.

On October 7, the International Charitable Sports and Psychological Festival was held. Rector of RUDN University spoke at the opening Oleg Yastrebovchairman of the organizing committee of the conference Evgeny BashkinRussian pop singer and public figure Diana GurtskayaVice President of the Nation’s Health League Nikolai Kononov. The opening of the festival ended with the performance of the singer Alena Selezneva.

All participants of the festival could attend master classes in art therapy and outdoor sports activities: mini-golf, frisbee, volleyball. The action 10,000 steps was announced and a charitable fundraiser for foundations was announced “Lifestyle”, “Mercy Capital” and “Here and now”.

Organizer — Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Faculty of Philology of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.


  • Charitable Foundation for Assistance in the Implementation of the Programs of the League of Health of the Nation;
  • Manpower;
  • LLC “Clever-consulting”;
  • SU-HSE (Higher School of Economics);
  • Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov;
  • Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia;
  • Psi Chi — The International Honor Society in Psychology;
  • Institute of Pedagogical Research of the Republic of Serbia (Belgrade, Serbia);
  • Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (Yerevan, Armenia);
  • Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

Text edited by Daria Lysenko

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