Chemists, philosophers, political scientists of the RUDN University presented reports at the Lomonosov conference at Moscow State University

Chemists, philosophers, political scientists of the RUDN University presented reports at the Lomonosov conference at Moscow State University

In April, students, graduate students and young scientists from 30 countries participated in 48 sections of the Lomonosov International Scientific Conference: from journalism and sociology to geology and space research. RUDN University undergraduates and postgraduates presented their work in five areas.

“International Relations and Global Studies”, subsection “Global Social Processes”

Topic of the report: “Thinking as the basis of a critical realistic philosophy of science in the study of international relations of the modernization process”

Author: Murat Yarar, PhD student, “Political Sciences and Regional Studies”

The report became the best in the subsection. Murat was awarded a diploma by Ilya Ilyin, Dean of the Faculty of Global Processes, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, professor.

The main goal of the report is to use critical realism as a philosophical concept in the theory of international relations to overcome discussions about positivism and post-positivism. The main questions of research in the field of international relations in recent years are directed to the study of how they have changed or may change. But the analysis of how it works has not been carried out.

Critical realism is an approach to international relations that considers actors, their actions, rules, resources and practices, as well as their relationships.

“Political Sciences”, subsection “Foreign policy of modern states in the conditions of the formation of new centers of power”

Topic of the report: “Chinese foreign economic policy as a factor in the formation of a new center of power in the Asia-Pacific region and Central Asia”

Author: Alexander Belkov, first-year master student, “Political problems of the globalizing world”

The report became one of the best in the subsection.

The theme is devoted to the experience of China in the field of building a new center of power in the Asia-Pacific region and Central Asia. Over the past 10 years, Beijing has implemented a number of infrastructure and energy investment projects. The Belt and Road Initiative has logistically connected China with ports in the Indian Ocean, Central Asia, Africa, Europe and the United States. Old ways are expanding, new ones are being formed, and a number of foreign and domestic political tasks are being solved. This allows China to increase exports and imports, connect new countries and markets to its project.

Subsection “Modern Political Theory: New Challenges”

Topic of the report: “Theory of demarcations: conceptual facets and the problem of applicability”

Author: Daria Shlykova, master’s student, “Political problems of the globalizing world”

The paper deals with the problem of applicability of the classical Lipset-Rokkan cleavage theory and its later modifications to the political space of modern Russia. The focus is on deep socio-political divisions (city-village, state-church, owners-workers, center-periphery), which determine the party landscape.

Due to the specifics of post-Soviet Russia, the problem arises of the applicability of this theory and its critical reflection in domestic science. The theory of socio-political divisions is applicable not only in the analysis of electoral processes, but also for understanding long-term trends in the political behavior of voters.

Subsection “Modern Political Theory: New Challenges”

Topic of the report: “Pandemic as a political scenario”

Author: Nelli Prigoryan, PhD student, “Political Sciences and Regional Studies”

Revolutionary situations and situations of crisis upheavals — political or natural — establish new political relationships in society. Thanks to them, new institutions, legalities, norms and rights appear, and the concept of the political is modified.

During a pandemic, one of the paradoxical situations is the mutation of political relationships and a new form of the political (political nihilism — the cessation of all political activity and all public relations as the highest form of civil political participation).

This contradiction in one way or another affects our political reality and requires a deeper analysis for a theoretical understanding of the phenomenon.

Subsection “Opportunities and horizons of Russia in the new political reality”

Topic of the report: “Russian-Chinese relations in the new world realities: the path to rapprochement or confrontation?”

Author: Alina Naumenko, PhD student, “Political Sciences and Regional Studies”

The paper proposed several scenarios of how the modern world will look like in the future, in particular, Russian-Chinese relations. The author noted that relations between Russia and China are significant not only for the Asia-Pacific space, but also for maintaining a multipolar world. According to Alina, the Russian-Chinese trade turnover will increase.

“Philosophy of Religion, Religious Studies”, subsection “Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies”

Topic of the report: “Philosophy of Islam and Islamic Philosophy in the Doctrine of Heydar Jemal”

Author: Olimzoda Sorboni Shamsiddin, PhD student, “Political Sciences and Regional Studies”

First of all, it is necessary to ask the question, does Islam need a political philosophy? If so, what format and content should it have, and what can we do in this direction ourselves?

The author believes that the Qur’anic principles should be presented in a categorical language in the form of a logical doctrine that would be absolutely understandable, clear and effective for representatives of other faiths.

According to Sorboni, it is necessary to overcome the negative attitude, first of all, of the Muslims themselves towards categorical logical thought, because it is based on a misunderstanding. For some, “philosophizing” means “philosophizing” and following “their own opinions” about those things that they do not know and cannot know, which are outside their experience and perception.

“Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History”

Topic of the report: “Ideology and mythology: commonality of nature and their relationship”

Authors: Andrey Poluboyarinov and Elizaveta Surova, PhD students, “Social and Political Philosophy”

The authors consider mythology and ideology, their nature and origin. There is a statement that ideology and mythology are largely interconnected phenomena, but irreducible (the impossibility of separation) to each other. Between them, not imperative, but rather complementary relations are established, when they borrow certain elements and structures of each other in the process of interaction.

The commonality of their nature and origin is manifested in the commonality of their properties and functions. The functional role of myths in ideology is that they fill the void that forms between the ideological system and the social order in those places where they do not correspond or openly conflict with each other.

Ideology is an integral factor in the organization of social life. In modern conditions of confrontation, it becomes decisive.

“Chemistry”, subsection “Organic chemistry”

Topic of the report: “The Diels-Alder reaction of bis-furylanilines with electron-deficient alkynes”

Author: Gleb Burkin, PhD student, “Organic Chemistry”

The Diels-Alder reaction is a method for the synthesis of complex organic molecules. It is needed for the synthesis of heterocyclic structures, which are of interest for research on the subject of biological activity, physicochemical properties, but are obtained with difficulty due to the complexity of the structure.

In the work, the reaction conditions were optimized, nine new compounds were synthesized, isolated and characterized. The patterns that were revealed during the study will help to reduce the cost of synthesis, increase the yield and supplement a number of cycloaddition products with new derivatives.

Subsection “Physical chemistry II: chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics”

Topic of the report: “Obtaining hydrogen in the carbon dioxide conversion of ethanol on Ni/Al2O3-ZrO2-Yb2O3 systems”

Author: Yuri Fionov, PhD student, “Physical Chemistry”

Increasing the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere contributes to global warming. Therefore, there is a need for its utilization or conversion into more valuable substances, for example, into synthesis gas (CO and H2) with further use in the Fischer-Tropsch process to obtain higher alcohols, hydrocarbons, etc.

One of the promising methods for converting CO2 into synthesis gas is the reaction of carbon dioxide conversion of ethanol, which can be obtained from biomass, that is, using renewable resources — “green chemistry” techniques.

To implement this process, we use a catalyst containing the active phase of nickel based on oxides Al2O3-ZrO2-Yb2O3 (Ni/Al2O3-ZrO2-Yb2O3).

It was possible to achieve the ratio of products of carbon dioxide conversion — CO and H2 1:1. This corresponds to the composition of synthesis gas and allows the use of these catalysts in the production of valuable products from renewable resources.

For reference:

The international scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov” was held in a mixed format as part of the youth forum “Lomonosov-2023”. This year there were 1,513 applications, 1,439 oral and poster presentations, more than 17,000 young scientists participated.

The Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Lomonosov Forum is the Rector of Moscow University, Academician Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichiy.

The main goal of the conference is to develop the creative activity of students, graduate students and young scientists, to involve them in solving urgent problems of modern science, to preserve and develop a single international scientific and educational space, to establish contacts between future colleagues.

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