RUDN University team have won The Gold medal at the International Archimedes Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies

RUDN University team have won The Gold medal at the International Archimedes Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies

Scientists from Institute of Digital Dentistry of the RUDN Institute of Medicine. presented their engineering design at the International Archimedes Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies

March 28-30, 2023, the XXVI Moscow International Archimedes Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies was held. It is a launching pad for new inventions and technologies to enter the market.

The participants of the Salon were representatives of 221 organizations from 27 countries and 35 regions of the Russian Federation. About 600 innovation projects and inventions, 198 of them were provided by foreign authors and patent holders were demonstrated to the scientific and technical community.

RUDN University was represented at the Salon by the development of a team from the Institute of Digital Dentistry, represented by the director, Professor Samvel Apresyan, MD, and Professor Alexander Stepanov, MD. Their invention “3D modeling and production of facial prostheses” was highly appreciated by the jury and awarded with a gold medal.

“The RUDN Institute of Digital Dentistry is the first unique educational and scientific structure in the country. Our team now has a lot of interesting and socially important projects, the successful implementation of which will soon be presented to society. The victory in ‘Archimedes’ is the first recognition of the Institute at the international level, confirming that we are moving in the right direction. But there are many victories ahead!”, said Prof. Samvel Apresyan, MD.

For reference:

The Salon “Archimedes” is annually held with the support of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (ROSPATENT), the Association League of Assistance to Defence Enterprises, the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA) and the International Innovation club “Archimedes”.

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