Issue № 4 / 2023 Newsletter archive
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Research and Innovative Activity View all
20 Feb
Ice rock, overnight in the mountains and 6100 meters above sea level... A scientist from the Agricultural Technological Institute went on an expedition to the Tien Shan.
20 Feb
RUDN scientist named neural networks that will help doctors interpret the results of an electroencephalogram (EEG) and other test of brain activity. The best of them works with almost 100% accuracy, while not only giving the result, but explaining why it turned out the way it did.
20 Feb
To obtain information about objects on the earth's surface and in near-Earth space, it is advisable to use not one, but several satellites. Such satellites move in different orbits, but operate as a whole. This allows us to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the obtained data but requires additional efforts to control the relative motion of satellites. RUDN engineers together with colleagues from Malaysia found a way to effectively control such formations of several satellites.
20 Feb
RUDN University engineers found out that vegetable oil destroys concrete. In 90 days of contact with oil, concrete collapses. This must be taken into account in the construction and operation of industrial buildings where vegetable oils are used in technical processes.
20 Feb
RUDN University engineers calculated how to collect precipitation for water supply over a large area in an arid region. The results will help solve the problem of water shortages through the construction of several dams and ponds.
Visiting Professors View all
20 Feb
Landfills are the third largest source of anthropogenic methane in the world. They account for ~11% of estimated global emissions. Methane is 80 times more powerful than carbon dioxide and is the second largest driver of man-made climate change. Scientists from around the world met at Zhejiang University's Hangzhou campus to determine the best available technologies for recovering energy and materials from non-recyclable residual waste.
20 Feb
How to make money on wastewater and turn biological mass into clean energy? What is valorization of waste and sludge? How does this process relate to sustainable development? Dr. Kumar Vinod, professor at the Department of Life Sciences at Graphic Era University (India), spoke about water without treading water.
Student's Scientific Initiatives View all
20 Feb
RUDN awarded the winners of the university competition of research papers on the theme of host countries. It was held under the auspices of the Second Conference on Sustainable Development Goals “Africa's Path to 17 SDGs: an Integrated Approach”.
International scientific cooperation View all
20 Feb
The conference “Political Science in a Changing World: New Practices and Theoretical Search”* started out at RUDN University. More than 600 political scientists from Venezuela, Egypt, Finland, Chad, Sweden and 20 other countries present scientific solutions to the challenges a globalizing society is facing. There are more than 70 events on the agenda of the conference organized by the Russian Political Science Association (RPSA).
20 Feb
The conference “For the sustainable development of civilization: cooperation, science, education, technology (Africa’s Path to 17 SDGs: an integrated approach)” opened at RUDN University*. It is attended by ministers of Sierra Leone and Ethiopia, as well as leading world scientists from Algeria, Brazil, Germany, Zambia, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Namibia, Ethiopia, South Africa and other countries.
20 Feb
At the end of September, Vadim Pokrovsky, a professor at the RUDN Medical Institute, visited the Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Pharmacy in Pune. There he exchanged experience with scientists from Italy and China.
Scientific Conferences View all
20 Feb
The Department of Environmental Management of RUDN Institute of Environmental Engineering hosted the student conference "Geoecology: Theory and Practice". More than 260 young scientists presented the results of their research. The geography of participants comprised 22 organisations from Russia, Algeria, Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Egypt, Tajikistan.
20 Feb
The scientific and practical conference “Expanding Boundaries” was held at RUDN Faculty of Philology. 123 postgraduate students from Kazakhstan, China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia and Russia spoke at round tables about their dissertations and theoretical and practical problems they face in their research.
20 Feb
On December 1–2, RUDN University will host the annual All-Russian scientific conference “Political science in a changing world: new practices and theoretical search.” Its goal is to find and define popular forms of political science for interpreting ongoing global changes.
20 Feb
On October 12–13, RUDN University hosted a scientific and practical conference “Modern media text and forensic examination: interdisciplinary connections and expert assessment.” More than 120 scientists from all over Russia and neighboring countries took part in it. The goal is to discuss the problems of analyzing media texts that are of interest to forensic science.