The Institute of Demographic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the RUDN have published the Demographic Encyclopedia in Persons

The Institute of Demographic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the RUDN have published the Demographic Encyclopedia in Persons

The collection consists of two volumes and includes biographical information about Russian demographers and their scientific research. The first volume is devoted to the research of the Pre-Revolutionary period, the second to the works of the Soviet era and the present.

The collection consists of two volumes and includes biographical information about Russian demographers and their scientific research. The first volume is devoted to the research of the Pre-Revolutionary period, the second to the works of the Soviet era and the present.

The editors of the encyclopedia are Tamara Rostovskaya, Professor at the Institute of Demographic Research, and Yulia Ebzeeva, First Vice—rector of the RUDN.

Among the sources of the encyclopedia are electronic and physical encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books published in Pre-Revolutionary, Soviet and post-Soviet period. In the process of working on the first volume, collections of scientific articles, biographical publications and articles from scientific journals were used.

The Demographic Encyclopedia in Faces was published in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The first volume is dedicated to the memory of Leonid Rybakovsky, Doctor of Economics, Professor (1931-2024). The outstanding scientist worked on demography at the Institute of Socio-Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Presentation of the first volume of the Demographic Encyclopedia in Persons. The Pre-Revolutionary Period" took place on September 23 at the V All-Russian Demographic Forum in the Sochi branch of the RUDN.

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