Science groups

PSA club "InTact"

А professional student association of the Management Department. The aim of the club is to become a discussion platform for the exchange of views of students, teachers, and practitioners in the field of management and all those interested in current management issues. We help students take part in the scientific research and projects, work on preparing reports for conferences, competitions and olympiads, and participate in master classes of invited practitioners. Meetings are held once a month.

Group director

Buzovich Anastasia Igorevna

Assistant of the Management Department


Faculty of Economics

SRC "Econometrics"

A student research club for everyone who is interested in econometric methods of analysis and modeling in economics. The club sessions are aimed at analyzing and forecasting economic processes using the EViews statistical package. We discuss topics that are not included in the econometrics basic course, and we also talk about independent research in the field of macroeconomic forecasting, modeling socio-economic processes, forecasting market conditions and financial analysis. You can make reports on research findings at conferences and scientific and practical seminars. Meetings are held once a month according to a pre-approved plan.

Group director

Balashova Svetlana Alekseevna

Head of the Economic and Mathematical Modeling Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


Faculty of Economics

SRC "Accounting Fans"

A platform for joint work on scientific and practical projects of the student of the Department of Accounting, Audit and Statistics. At the club meetings, you will prepare your creative and scientific project which you can you to take part in Russian national and international Olympiads and competitions. You will learn how to present your work at scientific conferences and prepare it for periodicals. You will take part in department events and master classes, and attend the lectures of invited specialists. Meetings are held once a month.

Group director

Martynovich Svetlana Nikolaevna

Senior Lecturer at the Accounting, Audit and Statistics Department


Faculty of Economics

PSA "Financier"

This professional students association of the Finance and Credit Department is for everyone who is interested in financial issues. We unite the students of the Faculty of Economics, who are engaged in financial support of the development of social and economic processes in the sectors of economic complex and regions of Russia. We discuss and prepare for publication articles on topical topics in the field of finance at the PSA meetings. We organize visiting master classes in finance and economics for Moscow schoolchildren, and we provide volunteer assistance at specialized conferences and round tables. The PSA members organize the Day of the Financier at RUDN University, which takes place every autumn at the Faculty of Economics and provides an opportunity to show their professional skills and creativity.

Group director

Karpenko Oksana Alekseevna

Associate Professor of the Finance and Credit Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences


Faculty of Economics

Research and Discussion Club "Regional Economy"

A platform for meetings and discussion of problems and achievements of regional development in Russia and foreign countries with participation of leading practitioners. The topics that students address at club meetings are not only reflected in their term and graduation theses, but also determine their research interests and give a start to their scientific and publication activities. The most active club members have priority in the selection of candidates for participation in external scientific and technical events, and their works are recommended for publication in the faculty periodicals. Meetings are held once a month according to a pre-approved schedule, but unscheduled meetings can also be arranged to meet especially interesting speakers.

Group director

Mironova Marina Nikolaevna

Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Economics and Geography, Candidate of Geographical Sciences


Faculty of Economics

PSA Discussion Club "Current problems of world economy and politics"

A student research club for future international economists. At club meetings, you will be assisted in determining the topic of research work, preparing a project for participation in a scientific competition and speaking at a conference. The club’s program includes interesting lectures on current problems of the world economy, and visits of famous scientists and practitioners in the world of economics. Meetings are held once a month.

Group director

Andronova Inna Vitalievna

Head of the Department of International Economic Relations, Doctor of Economics, Professor


Faculty of Economics

Professional student association "Guardians of the Border"

You will improve knowledge in the field of customs regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Pages in social networks:,

Group director

Saurenko Tatiana Nikolaevna

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Customs Department


Law Institute

Student research club of the Department of Theory of Law and State

Meetings of this student research club are held in the form of debates, and simulations of court proceedings prepared in advance by the students themselves. The meetings plan is drawn up by the student research club instructor and approved at the first meeting by the members. We cooperate with the organizing committee of the annual "International Student Scientific Conference", which is held by the Department of Theory of Law and the State and the Department of History of Law and State.

Group director

Pavlova Natalia Georgievna

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor


Law Institute

Student research club of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics

The club members monthly hear reports of its members on current issues in the field of criminal law, criminal procedure and forensic science, identifying various trends and problems in this branch of law.

Group director

Nesterov Anatoly Vasilievich

Professor, Doctor of Legal Sciences


Law Institute

"Actual problems of law enforcement and human rights activities."

We organize the annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Law Enforcement and Human Rights Activities: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow." We hold monthly discussions on topical issues of the judiciary, law enforcement, human rights activities and out-of-court dispute resolution.

Group director

Sangadzhiev Badma Vladimirovich

Doctor of Law, Professor


Law Institute