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Products derived from microalgae represent a cutting-edge development in the field of bioeconomy. The potential of this biological resource was discussed at the international research seminar “Foundations for a Green Sustainable Energy”, part of the BRICS Network University’s thematic group on “Energy”. The event was organized by the Institute of Ecology at RUDN University.
RUDN University staff and alumni received state and departmental awards at the State Kremlin Palace during a festive concert in honor of RUDN 65th anniversary.
The international scientific seminar hosted by RUDN Institute of Ecology “Experience of participation in student organizations as a way to form career skills” united scholarship recipients of the International Student Mobility Awards 2024 and Open Doors, along with members of the scientific student society “GreenLab” and the professional student association “Kostyor (Bonfire)” shared their projects focused on environmental protection.
RUDN University employees’ work and contribution to the development of the university cannot go unappreciated. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia recognizes talented university employees and present them with various departmental and state awards.
On October 7–10, 2024 RUDN University Space Week traditionally took place. This event was dedicated to the World Space Week, which is celebrated annually in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution 54/68 (December 6, 1999) from October 4 to 10 to commemorate the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik-1 on October 4, 1957, and the signing of the Outer Space Treaty on October 10, 1967 – the fundamental international treaty in the field of international space law.
In the morning, the main building is always crowded, students rushing to their first class. Suddenly, there is a large group of smiling young people from Africa, very smartly dressed, wearing scarfs with two logos on them, one — a university logo and the other — an unfamiliar abbreviation JGC.
RUDN University welcomed a delegation of three Municipal Assemblies of the Republic of Ghana - Korle Klottey, La Dade-Kotopon and Ledzokuku. At the meeting the parties discussed the results of the educational school “Solid Waste Management and Circular Economy”, held at the Institute of Ecology of RUDN University this year.
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