Federal Agency for Water Resources. Keeping our finger on the pulse of water arteries

Federal Agency for Water Resources. Keeping our finger on the pulse of water arteries

The event passed
6 Dec 2024
About the event

Date and time of the event: 06.12.2024, from 09:30 till 12.00 (Moscow time).

Venue: Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya St. 6, conference hall of the Faculty of Economics

Brief information

The event is aimed at presenting the main activities of the Federal Agency for Water Resources, which is responsible for managing the water resources of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of the Agency's management will present to international students the system of management bodies, the implementation of government projects and programmes, the use of digital technologies for the development of the water industry, and cooperation on the international water track within the framework of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

For students, this can be a first immersion into the environmental professions, as well as an interesting format to broaden their understanding of water as a strategic resource.

The questions of the educational quiz ‘Water Treasures of Russia’ will familiarize foreign and Russian young environmentalists with the wealth of Russia as the second most water-abundant country in the world.

Traditionally, great interest is aroused by the VR-cinema for watching videos in 360 degrees format, which will be placed in the event zone. Thanks to VR-glasses you can see the beauties of Baikal, Dagestan, Karelia and find yourself in places where no man has gone before.

Come to learn more, to see more, to hear important things, because we are all students and professionals #Save the Main thing.

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