A series of lectures «The Robin problem for the Laplace operator and its spectral properties»

A series of lectures «The Robin problem for the Laplace operator and its spectral properties»

The event passed
15 - 21 Dec 2019
Moscow, 3, Ordzhonikidze st.,
About the event

Lanza de Cristoforis, Professor of University of Padua, will visit RUDN University with a series of lectures "The Robin problem for the Laplace operator and its spectral properties".

L. de Cristoforis, Professor of University of Padua (QS-234, Italy) will visit RUDN University 15-21 December, 2019.

Prof. Cristoforis’ scientific interests are linked with problems of linear and nonlinear analysis related to differential and integral equations, to composition operators, to spectral theory for elliptic differential operators, to the complex variable, to potential theory and to harmonic analysis.

In RUDN University Prof. Cristoforis will give a series of lectures "The Robin problem for the Laplace operator and its spectral properties".  The following topics will be considered: the classical Robin problem and its weak formulation, the problem of existence and uniqueness by different avenues: the variational approach and the operator approach, the spectral properties of the Robin problem by exploiting the Green operator approach and the approach of quadratic forms in L2.

The schedule of the lectures is following:     

  1.  Weak formulation of the classical Robin problem. Monday, December 16, 13:30 -14:50, room 208.
  2. Existence and uniqueness for the weak formulation. Tuesday, December 17, 12:00-13:20, room 558.
  3. Operator formulation of the Robin problem in Sobolev spaces. Wednesday, December 18, 13:30 -14:50, room 531.
  4. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the Robin problem: the Green operator approach. Thursday, December 19, 13:30 -14:50, room 208.
  5. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the Robin problem: the approach of quadratic forms in L2.   Friday, December 20, 13:30 -14:50, room 208.
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