Academic workshop “Environmentally friendly tips: how useful are they?”

Academic workshop “Environmentally friendly tips: how useful are they?”

The event passed
25 Feb 2022
About the event

25 February at 9:00 MSK

In recent years, the "greening" of production and life has become a global trend. Caring for the environment has become fashionable. Journalists and bloggers, popular websites, major newspapers and magazines publish articles on how to make your life less harmful to the environment, how to reduce household waste and carbon emissions. However, not all of the suggested tips can be called universal and applicable anywhere in the world.

The purpose of the seminar is to analyze the most popular tips for maintaining an ecological lifestyle, their critical reflection and identification of the most relevant on the territory of the Russian Federation.


The participants of the scientific seminar will be 3rd year undergraduate students. The program includes a report and discussion on the subject of the event, demonstration of informative videos in English.

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