«Actual Problems in Modern Linguistics and the Humanities»

«Actual Problems in Modern Linguistics and the Humanities»

The event passed
16 Mar 2018
About the event

10th International Conference on Research and Methodology «Actual Problems in Modern Linguistics and the Humanities». 

Conference Organizers: Institute of Foreign Languages of RUDN (Russia), Faculty of Philology of Moscow State Lomonosov University (Russia), Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education (Russia), University of Granada (Spain), Catholic University of Lille (France), Higher Institute of Languages in Tunis of the University of Carthage (Tunisia), Hellenic Cultural Centre (Greece).

Goal of the Conference:

To support the enhancing of RUDN University’s competitiveness within the framework of the Project 5-100 and to raise the University position in the QS World University Rankings by Subject in Modern Languages (individual subject area).

Conference Objectives:

1.  To bring together leading researchers in the field of linguistics and related humanities under the auspices of RUDN University, as one of the renowned international research centers, both in the Russian Federation and globally.

2. To exchange opinions concerning the evolution of Modern Languages in the context of the development of interdisciplinary approaches to the issues of the intercultural linguistic communication.

3. To establish new contacts with representatives of international linguistic scholarship for the purposes of:

  • joint research activities;
  • joint publication in journals indexed in the Web of Sciences and Scopus Databases;
  • joint supervision of MA and PhD dissertations.

4.  To conduct negotiations on the issues of students and professors mobility.

5. To demonstrate the level of research and methodological activities undertaken by the University in the QS World University Rankings by Subject in Modern Languages.

List of Main Issues to Be Discussed:

  • Linguistics and Modern Languages;
  • Intercultural Communication;
  • Translation, Translation Studies, Interpreting;
  • Selected Topics in General and Specific Linguistics in Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective;
  • Linguistics and the Humanities – Interdisciplinary Approaches in Research and Teaching;
  • Social and Psycholinguistics;
  • Neuropsycholinguistics – Current State and Prospects for Development;
  • Linguistic Diplomacy

Key Speakers at the Plenary Session:

  • Suzanne Graham, Professor of Language and Education, Leader Research Division, University of Reading, Institute of Education, London (UK).
  • Enrique F. Quero Gervilla, Dean and Professor at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at Granada University (Spain).
  • Theodore Gannitsi, Candidate of historical sciences and Director of the Hellenic Cultural Centre (Greece).
  • Accepted Conference papers (articles) will be published in the Conference Proceeding (RINTZ indexed) by RUDN University Publishing House.

Contact persons:

Svetlana Sharonova,

Deputy Chairman, Organizing and Program Committee,

tel. (+7 499) 432-75-08, email: sharonova-sa@rudn.ru

Natalia Erokhova,

Secretary, Organizing and Program Committee,

tel. (+7 499)432-75-08, email: erokhova-ns@rudn.ru

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