Designing of ecological trails in the Zhigulevsky state natural biosphere reserve named after I.I. Sprygin

Designing of ecological trails in the Zhigulevsky state natural biosphere reserve named after I.I. Sprygin

The event passed
29 Mar 2021
About the event

29 March at 10:30 MSK

The purpose of the event is to acquaint students and everyone, who is interested in environmental protection and the promotion of sustainable development ideas in the Russian Federation and the world, with the design and implementation of ecological paths in national parks and protected areas of Russia (based on the example of Zhigulevsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve named after I. I. Sprygina); as well as with the development of ecological tourism, which allows a modern person to "immerse" in nature and culture, without disturbing and destroying the rational use of the primeval natural benefits of the visited territory.


Borisova Ekaterina Dmitrievna - a graduate of the Faculty of Ecology of the RUDN University in 2020 in the direction of "Ecology and Environmental Management" with an additional specialty "Translator in the field of professional communication." A young scientist, volunteer dealing with the problems of sustainable development, human ecology, promotion of ecological tourism and rational ecological policy of protected areas in Russia and the world. In 2021, Ekaterina Dmitrievna entered the magistracy of one of the most environmentally friendly universities in Europe - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, European Union - to continue her environmental education at a higher professional level with a degree in Landscape Engineering.

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