International Scientific Seminar “Blue-green solutions for sustainable landscape planning”

International Scientific Seminar “Blue-green solutions for sustainable landscape planning”

The event passed
19 Apr 2023
Contact person
Kozyreva Marina Mikhailovna
About the event

On April 19, 2023, the Scientific Center “Smart Technologies for Sustainable Development of Urban Environment in Conditions of Global Change” ATI PFUR will organize an international scientific seminar “Water and Green Solutions for Sustainable Landscape Planning”. The event will be held in online format on the Microsoft Teams platform. The working language will be Russian. During the workshop, experts and participants will discuss modern approaches to the analysis and modeling of the water balance in urban green infrastructure facilities, in particular the modeling of water and solute transport in layered soil structures. Particular attention will be paid to water and green solutions in arid zones (on the example of Oman and Australia), for which they are especially relevant against the background of water scarcity

Event program:

  • 17.30 — 18.00 Urban green-infrastructure: what do architects need? by Ilya Zalivukhin, YUZA group, Russia
  • 18.00 — 18.30 Urban Parks in Arid Climates: Commingling of Ecohydrology and Analytical Models Based on the Theory of Holomorphic Functions by Prof Anvar Kasimov, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
  • 18.30 — 19.00 Advances in development and maintenance of urban green infrastructures in arid climate by Prof. Marya Ignatieva, The University of Western Australia, Australia


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