Leading international experts meet at the European Dentist Congress on skeletal support

Leading international experts meet at the European Dentist Congress on skeletal support

The event passed
10 - 11 Feb 2018
Direction: Science
About the event

10-11 February, The 2nd European Microimplant Anchorage Congress sponsored by the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and the Korean Kyungpook University is held at Renaissance Monarch Centre Hotel.

The Conference is focused on analysis of skeletal support application practice in Russia and abroad within the recent 20 years. The leading orthodontists from all over the world will share their invaluable knowledge with dentist-orthodontists, orthopedists and surgeons.

16 highly professional doctors and speakers of global renown will share their experience during 2 days of the congress. They all are experts in the field of biomechanics of implant application as a skeletal support.
Each 1,5 hour session will include speeches of 2 lecturers with simultaneous translation into English accompanied by discussions enabling to get more detailed information on presented topics interactively.

Professors from Korea (Hee-Moon Kyung, Hyo-Sang Parkand Jae-Hyun Sung) are founders of skeletal support development on microimplants in the world.

Microimplantation is one of the most rapidly growing technologies in orthodontics and dentistry. Invention of the skeletal support has significantly changed orthodontic treatment possibilities.
Today we know that the skeletal support is an obligatory requirement of the modern orthodontics enabling to avoid support on patient's own teeth, which are subject to displacement.
This approach opens new prospects; eliminates overloads of abutment teeth parodentium ligaments, promotes the treatment, and ensures better results both from aesthetic point of view and in terms of correct occlusion.

Moreover, in some cases the treatment may not even require the use of dental brackets and can prepare the patient for full-grade, stable prosthetics without any consequences for TMJ.
As a rule, microimplants increase indications for orthodontic treatment without removal of teeth and can even serve as alternative to orthognathic surgery.

The use of microimplants ensures more predictable result and reliability of orthodontic treatment, since the treatment course is better supervised by the doctor and depends on the patient to a lesser degree.

For more details: www.2eumia2018.com

Where: Renaissance Moscow Monarch Centre Hotel, 31A, Leningradsky prospect, Moscow 

Contact: Maria Vasilieva, assistant lecturer, RUDN Department of children’s dentistry and orthodontics 
Tel: +79166879334

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