Master class “Filter on a knees”

Master class “Filter on a knees”

The event passed
23 Apr 2021
About the event

23 April 2021 at 16:00 MSK

A master class "Filter on the knees" will be held for schoolchildren and applicants. In interactive mode, students will be shown the basic physical and chemical properties of water and will be taught how to make a water filter on a knee. Speaker-Docent of the Department of Applied Ecology, member of the Public Council at the MPR and OSCE expert, expert of Rosprirodnadzor, Candidate of Economic Sciences-Pinaev V. E.

Main goal of master class – with the assistance of interactive master classс to attract attention of school children and further water safety, perform experiments based on physical-chemical properties of water.


Quick reference: Cand.Sc.Econ. Vladimir Pinaev (docent, OSCE expert, Rosprirodnadzor expert, member of Minpriroda Public Council) will present on most important substance – water and it’s properties. And also will lead an interactive class to demonstrate how one can construct a filter for water cleaning. The master class will also include several tricks based on physical – chemical properties of water.

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