RUDN University invites enrollees and students to test your knowledge in Сhemistry and Biology within the framework of the Open olympiad

RUDN University invites enrollees and students to test your knowledge in Сhemistry and Biology within the framework of the Open olympiad

The event passed
31 Jul 2017
About the event

The Olympiad is held in cooperation with the Asia-Pacific Institute of Management, Asia-Pacific Career Launcher (APCL) New-Delhi, on August, 14th  2017

The form of the Olympiad – MCQ testing.

The Olympiad`s winning is:

• a real chance to be enrolled in the RUDN-university, to come to Moscow and take place in the large multinational friendly University`s family;

• the right to choose a major with the relevant tests in Chemistry and Biology;

• possibility to be nominated as a recipient of significant scholarship "RUDN brilliant students" (25000 rubles (approx US $ 400) per month during the academic year);

• possibility to obtain a personal certificate signed by the rector of the University.

Waiting for you at 9.00 a.m. in APCL, 3&4 institutional districts metro station, Jasola, New Delhi.

Each participant has to pre-register and must present the copy of valid international passport till August, 10th 2017   5.30 p.m. in APCL or online.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact APCL

Tel.: 01145554446


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