Distant course of supplementary professional education «Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language for foreign schools’ teachers»

Distant course of supplementary professional education «Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language for foreign schools’ teachers»

The event passed
31 Jul 2017
About the event

We invite you to undergo a distant course of supplementary professional education «Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language for foreign schools’ teachers», developed in cooperation with Klobukova L.P., leading professor of Lomonosov M.V. Moscow State University.

The lessons on professional retraining are held with the help of newest instruments of teaching and Internet resources, leading teachers are professors and docents of Russian language department of People’s Friendship University of Russia, professor of Moscow State University.

After successful undergoing all the course units one acquires a retraining course diploma, which acknowledge a right (qualification accordance) to exercise professional activity in the sphere of teaching Russian as a foreign language ("Teacher of Russian as a foreign language").  

«Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language for foreign schools’ teachers»

Course of professional retraining for persons

with higher philological education,

foreign bachelor-students and masters of philology

(After finishing the course, a professional retraining diploma with assignment of new qualification in the established standard form is issued, which gives a right to exercise professional activity as a teacher of Russian as a foreign language)

Total amount of hours – 260.

Mode of teaching– mixed (distant, full-time education)

During face-to-face part of the program teachers are going to:

  • Give a description of the whole program;
  • Draw attention to the most vivid themes of the program;
  • Explain the way in which the distant part of the program is going to take place;
  • Present the newest multi-media instruments;
  • Conduct workshops.

Advantages of the program:

  • Practical focus: make teachers of Russian as a foreign language be able to develop effective methods and tools (including electronic) of teaching Russian. By the end of the program participants will be provided with materials, containing gysp of the program;
  • Focus on innovation: latest problems of intense training of foreigners are added in the course, which includes employment of multi-media educational instruments. Implemented system of training (video-lectures, video- master shops, face-to-face workshops etc.) creates innovative educational frame, that makes it possible to acquire the program to full extent;
  • On-site and off-site way of realization gives the possibility to teach the students in the most comfortable way.

Structure of the program

Program consists of two main levels: tutorial and practice-oriented – each is represented as a program unit.

Each of program units is an independent element of the program, containing an array of lessons, which are unified according to the task and objectives. All units are tightly intertwined and are based on common tutorial basis.

Students are provided with video content of lectures, annotated texts of lectures, courseware, presentations, self-assessment test, which make it possible to put learned information into practice. Each unit contains different methods of summative assessment. 

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