RUDN invites leading philologists specializing in the field of bi-, poly- and translingualism

RUDN invites leading philologists specializing in the field of bi-, poly- and translingualism

The event passed
2 - 3 Dec 2022
Contact person
Ovcherenko Ulyana
About the event

On December 02–03, 2022 RUDN University together with the Faculty of Philology and World Languages ​​of the Kazakh National University. al-Farabi and the Baku Slavic Faculty are holding the VIII International scientific-practical conference “Bi-, poly-, translingualism and linguistic education” under the auspices of MAPRYAL. RUDN University invites leading researchers from different countries to participate in the event, as well as to develop the academic reputation. The guests of the university are planning to participate in the organization and holding of the international scientific and practical conference as experts and key speakers, make presentations at the plenary session and participate in breakout sessions.

So, the reports will be made by:

  • Professor N.D. Afanasiev (Russia): “Formation of the linguistic picture of the world of bilinguals” (co-authored with Ph.D. S.S. Zakharchenko);
  • Professor T.G. Bogoyarkova (Russia): “Basic models of associative perception of languages ​​in the context of bilingualism in Southern Siberia” (co-authored with K.A. Pokoyakova);
  • Professor G.T. Khukhuni, Ph.D., prof. I.I. Valuytseva (Russia): “Mediation in intercultural communication: a ‘necessary evil’ or a normal phenomenon?”;
  • Professor E.D. Suleimenova (Kazakhstan): “A child at a crossroads: the choice of language in a bilingual Kazakh family”;
  • Professor M. Debrenn (Russia): “Reflection of the situation of multilingual communication in French-language graphic novels about Russia”;
  • Professor S.V. Nikolaenko (Belarus): “Multilinguality of a regional university (on the example of Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov)”;
  • Professor Z.K. Temirgazin (Kazakhstan): “Transculturalism of Pavel Vasiliev — a poet of the Kazakh-Russian borderland” (co-authored with Ph.D. O.K. Andryushchenko);
  • Professor E.F. Shafranskaya (Russia): “Armenian text: poetry and prose”;
  • Professor L.N. Talalova (Russia): “The Phenomenon of the Russian Poet Pavel Vasilyev: One Among Us and Others” (co-authored with Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor N.F. Krylova), “The Concept ‘Soul’ and its Translingual Background (A Close Reading Of Mourner’s Kaddish and Aleinu Prayer)” (with Ser Gregory)
  • Professor Jafarov (Azerbaijan): “Educational standards aimed at the implementation of a bilingual model of education in Azerbaijan”;
  • Professor A.I. Smirnova (Russia): “Polycultural space of translingual prose by Guzel Yakhina”;
  • senior researcher Ch.K. Lamazhaa (Russia): “Concepts of Tuvan culture and the problem of their translation into Russian (on the example of the ceremony of presenting khoi edi ‘boiled lamb’)”" (co-authored with senior researcher S.Y. Kuzhuget, senior researcher . N.D. Suvandia);
  • Professor M.B., Nagizbekova (Tajikistan): “Experimental study of the value of ‘prosperity / farovoni’ in the linguistic consciousness of Tajiks and Russians” (co-authored with Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor N.R. Ganieva, Candidate of Sciences, Assoc. F.M. Khamrakulov);
  • Professor N.V. Dmitryuk (Kazakhstan): “Value-semantic parameters of the associative-verbal network of the family concept in the linguistic consciousness of Kazakhs and Russians: commonality and specificity” (co-authored with R.A. Arynbayeva);
  • Professor V.V. Madoyan (Armenia): “Multilingual education in the strategy of language policy” (co-authored with A.V. Mkhitaryan)
  • and many others.

Professor Vladimir Sinyachkin, Head of the Department of the Russian Language and Cross-cultural Communication, is responsible for receiving and accompanying the participants.

The participants of the conference will discuss theoretical, methodological and practical issues of Russian-foreign language education; changes taking place in ethno-linguistic societies; topical issues of translatology and formulate key areas of scientific activity for the coming years.

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