RUDN supports the All-Russia campaign «Stop HIV/AIDS»

RUDN supports the All-Russia campaign «Stop HIV/AIDS»

The event passed
27 Nov - 3 Dec 2017
About the event

The project started in Russia in 2016. The organizing committee is headed by the President of the Foundation of social and cultural initiatives, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the complex target program, «Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation» Svetlana Medvedeva.

Today more than 900,000 Russian citizens have HIV, that is 0,6% population. The number of new HIV cases is still growing but not as fast as it used to be. 
In 2011-2015, annually there were 10% new cases, while in 2016 – 5,3%.
In general the epidemiologic situation regarding HIV infections in the RF is still tense.

The campaign starts with the III All-Russia Forum on prophylactics and treatment of HIV\AIDS, 27-28 November, in Renaissance Moscow Monarch center (31A bld.1, Leningradskoye shodde, Moscow). See the program on

28 - 29 November, forum-session for employers and working youth.

30 November, online lesson for 9-11 grades school students, at Gymnasium 1409 (Moscow).

1 December, RUDN becomes platform for the key event of the campaign – Open student Forum «Let’s stop AIDS together!», where representatives of students councils, volunteer centers, healthcare system, education, politicians, public and religious figures, actors, musicians and athletes, representatives of HIV communities and 20 universities will discuss urgent challenges.
On the same day, the Moscow government and Rospotrebnadzor lighten up buildings in New Arbat to support the campaign.

2 December, HIV-prevention lesson for teenagers in Mozhaisk juvenile correctional facility. Meetings of the RF Ministry of healthcare with the teachers of the facility.

3 December, «Take an HIV test» campaign» (All-Russia Exhibition Center).

Mass media sum up the results of the event in the news.

During the campaign a number of thematic weeks will be held – «All-Russia week of HIV testing», «HIV knowledge Week» and «Active actions against HIV Week». Different events like volunteer charity campaigns, round tables, conferences and charity marathons will take place in various Russian cities and towns.

The information support is rendered by federal TV channels and radio stations, «Russian Railroads», Aeroflot and regional mass media. The information will also be posted on social nets.

For more details: www.стопвичспид.рф and social nets:

Tel: +7 (495) 627-57-31

For press accreditation to the All-Russian Open student Forum «Let’s stop AIDS together!» apply before 28 December,

In the application write name, passport number, date and place of birth, name of mass media, contact number of mass media representative

Where: RUDN University, 6, Miklukho-Maklaya str.

When: 12.00 am, for accredited press: 10.00 to 11.00 am.

All-Russia campaign «Stop HIV/AIDS» history

The first campaign timed to the Day of memory of AIDS victims was held in May 2016. The key event was the open student forum with the participation of 500,000 students.

The second event (28 November, 2016) was timed to the Day of fighting AIDS (1 December) and was aimed at high school students.

The third campaign in May 2017, started with the Open student Forum «Let’s stop AIDS together!» in Sechenov Medical University.

Due to active partcipation of federal channels and radio stations, information agencies and social nets, as well as «Russian Railroads» and Aeroflot, more than 60% of the population of Russia were involved in the awareness-raising activities. 

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