Scientific conference "The situation in Afghanistan and the formation of a regional security system in Central Asia"

Scientific conference "The situation in Afghanistan and the formation of a regional security system in Central Asia"

The event passed
1 Dec 2017
About the event

The event has been annually held by the Department of Theory and History of  International Relations of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of RUDN since 2008. According to the leading experts, the formation of a regional security system in Central Asia is a top priority in the world politics, and the situation in Afghanistan is becoming crucial to this geopolitical region.

The relevance also lies in the need to study the problems of regional
Security in Central and South-East Asia. The situation in the region is aggravating not only through the contradictions between the main regional players, but also through the emergence of new geopolitical threats that can lead to destabilization of the geopolitical situation not only in the region, but in the world as a whole.

 The relevance of the topic is also conditioned by the need for a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the Alliance mission in Afghanistan called Resolute support, that remained in the country after NATO in 2014 withdrew the troops that participated in the ISAF mission.

It seems important to consider the issue in the context of the positions of such countries in the region as Iran, Pakistan, India. It is also planned to discuss The evolution of the policy of external players, taking into account the interests of such countries as Russia, the United States, Britain, the European Union, China, that certainly influence the correlation of forces in the region is under agenga.


Geography of participants: Russia, Afghanistan.

Topics of the event:

  • international relations in Central Asia;
  • the internal and international situation in Afghanistan.

Terms of participation in the event:

presentation / attendance.

Outcomes of the event:

a collection of scientific publications.

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