Scientific seminar “Elements of the theory of constitutive relations and linearized statements of stability problems”

Scientific seminar “Elements of the theory of constitutive relations and linearized statements of stability problems”

The event passed
16 Mar 2021
About the event

16 March at 12:00 MSK

Topic: Elements of the theory of constitutive relations and linearized statements of stability problems.

Elements of the theory of constitutive relations. Tangent modulus and tangential compliance. Physical linearity, tensor linearity (quasilinearity) and nonlinearity. Material functions. Rheonomic and scleronomic media. Homogeneous and heterogeneous media. Composites. Elastic bodies. Viscous liquids. Memory environments. Non-local environments.

Tensor functions and their invariants in the theory of constitutive relations. Potential environments and conditions of potentiality. Incompressible materials.

Nonlinear elastic-viscoplastic models. Classification of incompressible media (quasilinear models, Bingham bodies, ideally plastic media, Newtonian viscous fluids).

Statement of the linearized boundary value problem of flow stability with respect to small perturbations of the initial data.



Professor Georgievskii Dmitrii V., Lomonosov Moscow State University.

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