Scientific seminar “Language aspects of integration and self-identification in the modern world”

Scientific seminar “Language aspects of integration and self-identification in the modern world”

The event passed
28 Feb 2022
About the event

28 February at 10:30 MSK

The scientific seminar «Language aspects of integration and self-identification in modern world” will be held online on February 28, 2022. The speakers are: Associate Professor Tatiana Maykova and the teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages: Ph.D. Ksenia Novikova, Natalia Lapitskaya, Nadezhda Avdeeva with the reports on the topic "Presentation of educational and teaching aids"; the report of Ph.D., Prof. Yuri Medvedev “How to create an e- learning course”.

The purpose of the event: The scientific seminar is dedicated to improving the quality of teaching foreign languages and cultures in accordance with the new challenges posed to humanitarian education; expanding active contacts with scientists and teachers of foreign languages from leading universities, raising the status of foreign languages, developing the academic reputation of the RUDN University and the incoming mobility of leading scientists in the RUDN University.

The tasks of the seminar:

  1. To provide insight into educational and teaching aids of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.
  2. To inform the participants about the key principles of e-learning courses сconstruction on the “Uright” platform.
  3. To improve the quality of the educational process with the provision of educational and methodical tools.


10.30-11.30 - the reports of Associate Professor Tatiana Maykova, and the teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages: Ph.D. Ksenia Novikova, Natalia Lapitskaya, Nadezhda Avdeeva devoted to the presentation of educational and teaching aids of the Department; the report of Ph.D., Prof. Yuri Medvedev «How to create an e- learning course on the “Uright” platform»”.

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