Scientific seminar "Peculiarities of water migration of iodine and selenium in geochemical contrasting landscapes of Bryansk region"

Scientific seminar "Peculiarities of water migration of iodine and selenium in geochemical contrasting landscapes of Bryansk region"

The event passed
24 Dec 2021
About the event

24 December at 14:00 MSK

Geochemistry and biogeochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the leading scientific institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which specializes in geochemistry, bi ogeochemistry, and qualitative and quantitative composition of terrestrial and extraterrestrial matter. Ludmila Kolmykova, the graduate of the ecological department of the PFUR, will share her experience in job search, tell about the structure of GEOKhI RAS, and give recommendations for getting a job in scientific organizations.

Also Lyudmila Igorevna, as a young scientist, will discuss with students the current environmental problem "Features of water migration of iodine and selenium in the geochemical contrasting landscapes of the Bryansk region.



Candidate of biological sciences, junior researcher of the laboratory of biogeochemistry and environment of GEOCHI RAS, graduate of the Faculty of Ecology Lyudmila Igorevna Kolmykova.

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