Seminar “Blockchain for Trustless Security of Critical National Infrastructure”

Seminar “Blockchain for Trustless Security of Critical National Infrastructure”

The event passed
21 Jun 2021
About the event

18 June at 13:00 MSK

One of the key enabling technologies of smart cities is the Internet of Things (IoT).  In recent years, IoT has developed into many areas of application including critical national infrastructure (CNI) such as transport, hospitals and power distribution grid. CNI systems depend heavily on IoT devices to perform autonomous actions or inform human decision makers. The proliferation in IoT applications raised many serious security and privacy concerns.  Recently, blockchain has been advocated as a solution for secure data storage and sharing. In this talk, I will start by giving a sneak preview of the blockchain technology.

Then, I will outlines how to implement blockchain as a fundamental theory for trustless security for connected CNI. Discussion will investigate technologies which can be utilised to achieve a trustless matrix such as blockchain and peer-distributed security systems, for instance onion-routing, with the wider aim of defining trustless security further. The talk also considers the feasibility of trustless IoT security systems and their application in CNI.



Prof Mohammad Hammoudeh, Chair in Cyber Security, Department of Computing and Mathematics, Manchester Metropolitan University.

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