Seminar “Continuity and Harnack`s inequality of bounded solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations with non-standard growth under the non-logarithmic Zhikov`s condition”

Seminar “Continuity and Harnack`s inequality of bounded solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations with non-standard growth under the non-logarithmic Zhikov`s condition”

The event passed
9 Mar 2021
About the event

9 March at 19:30 MSK

Title of the talk: Continuity and Harnack`s inequality of bounded solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations with non-standard growth under the non-logarithmic Zhikov`s condition.

We prove continuity and Harnack`s inequality for bounded solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations with generalized Orlicz growth. These classes include the new cases of equations with (p,q)-nonlinearity and non-logarithmic growth.



D. of Sc., Professor Skrypnik I.I. (IAMM of NAS of Ukraine, Sslavyansk).

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