The 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation "Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and the Humanities"

The 11th All-Russian Research and Methodological Conference with International Participation "Current Issues in Modern Linguistics and the Humanities"

The event passed
15 Mar 2019
9, Miklukho-Maklaya, Moscow
About the event

Goal of the Conference:  Bring together leading researchers in the field of Linguistics and related Humanities to exchange opinions concerning the evolution of Modern Languages and Linguistics in the context of the development of interdisciplinary approaches to the issues of the intercultural linguistic communication.

List of Main Issues to Be Discussed:

  1. Linguistics and Modern Languages;
  2. Intercultural Communication;
  3. Translation, Translation Studies, Interpreting;
  4. Selected Topics in General and Specific Linguistics in Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective;
  5. Linguistics and the Humanities – Interdisciplinary Approaches in Research and Teaching;
  6. Social and Psycholinguistics;
  7. Neuropsycholinguistics – Current State and Prospects for Development;
  8. Linguistic Diplomacy

Key Speakers at the Plenary Session:

Sholpan K. Zharkynbekova, Dr. of Philology, Professor, Dean, Faculty of Philology, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan).

Theme: “Formation of multilingual linguistic personality within the contemporary process of higher education system”

Alla V. Kirilina, Dr. of Philology, Professor, Vice-Rector for Science, Moscow International Academy (Russia).

Theme: “Tutzinger Theses and Challenges of Multilingualism in Europe”

Luciana Pedrazzini, Ass. Professor, PhD, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Milan (Italy);

Theme: “Second Language Acquisition in Action: how to bridge the gap between theory and teaching practice”

Uldanay M. Bakhtikireeva, Dr. of Philology, Professor, RUDN University (Russia).

Theme: “To the Question of Total Reconsidering of Future Linguistic Personality”

Conference languages: Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German.

Following the results of the conference, Abstract-book and Conference Proceedings are planned to be published by RUDN University Publishing House. For Abstract-book it is necessary to attach a file (abstract) in the amount of 600 words in the section "Application Form":

Abstract-book is not indexed. Abstracts are accepted in English only.

For Conference Proceedings it is necessary to attach a file (extended abstract) in the amount of 600 + 2000 words in the section “Application Form”:

If Extended Abstracts (600+2000 words) are not planned in English, then Abstracts (600 words) and References must also be duplicated in English. Conference Proceedings are indexed in the RSCI database. Conference organizers are also planning to submit Conference Proceedings for indexing in the Web of Science database.

The editorial board reserves the right to competitive selection of abstracts and extended abstracts for publication.

Application, Submission and Payment Deadlines:

From December 17, 2018 to March 5, 2019 for participants planning to submit abstracts or extended abstracts (application form, abstracts/extended abstracts, a screenshot of the anti-plagiarism verification (at least 75%).

Registration fee is 1500 rubles. For graduate and postgraduate students – 750 rubles. Payment deadline is March 15, 2019. The start time of the online payment link will be announced later.

Application, submission of abstract/extended abstract, the anti-plagiarism verification, the fee payment must be submit via the web-site

Conference Organizers: Institute of Foreign Languages of RUDN (Russia), Faculty of Philology of Moscow State Lomonosov University (Russia), Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the University of Granada (Spain), Russian Centre of the University of Granada (Spain), Higher Institute of Languages in Tunis of the University of Carthage (Tunisia), UniNorte University (Paraguay)

Contact persons:

Svetlana A. Sharonova,

Deputy Chairman, Organizing and Program Committee,

tel. +7 (499) 432-75-08, email:

Natalia S. Erokhova,

Secretary, Organizing and Program Committee,

tel. +7 (499)432-75-08, email:

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