The School for prospective master students «Pedagogy and psychology as a science»

The School for prospective master students «Pedagogy and psychology as a science»

The event passed
29 - 30 Mar 2018
Direction: Education
About the event

The school will be held in two stages – since March 29th to March 30th, 2018 it will join eminent scientists, young specialists and students engaged in research in the field of pedagogy and teaching problems, and on April 19th, 2018 students of the school will study in the field of «Psychology».

The main task of the school for prospective master students is to activate scientific research conducted by students, undergraduates and young scientists of Russian and foreign universities, the development of fundamental and applied research contributing to the integration of higher education and science, as well as the presentation of master's programs of the philological faculty, including joint programs in foreign languages.

The school will start on March 29th, 2018 at 10.00 AM in hall 1 of the Main building of the RUDN University at the address: Moscow, Miklukho-Maklay str., 6.

The main sections of the school for prospective master students «Pedagogy and psychology as a science»:

  • Questions of preparing a specialist in higher education.
  • Social and psychological aspects of researching the personality.
  • Pedagogical aspects of work with gifted children and talented youth.
  • Formation of personality in the process of education and upbringing.
  • Language in the intercultural space.

Classes for future masters will be held under the guidance of leading teachers of the philological faculty of RUDN University, other Russian and foreign universities – academicians, professors and associate professors in the field of theoretical and empirical aspects of studying the personality, as well as training teachers for general education organizations.

Each of the participants will be able to take part in professional discussions and express his position, exchange views on topical issues in the framework of the school.

The program of the educational event includes lectures and master classes, trainings and creative meetings, as well as the final round table.

The prospective master students of the Master's program «Pedagogy and psychology as a science» will be those studying on senior courses in the spheres of humanitarian training of the RUDN University, regional universities of Russia and the near abroad.


Karabushenko Natalia Borisovna

+7 (495) 787-38-03 (доб.2433)


Kazarenkov Vyacheslav Ilyich

+7 (495) 936-85-73

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