XXII international scientific and practical conference "Current problems of ecology and nature management: partnership for sustainable development and environmental safety"

XXII international scientific and practical conference "Current problems of ecology and nature management: partnership for sustainable development and environmental safety"

The event passed
22 - 24 Apr 2021
Podolskoe highway, 8, building 5, aud. 415, 416, 303, 310
About the event

We invite you to take part in the annual scientific and practical conference, which has been held since 1999, at the Faculty of Ecology of RUDN University. The next, XXII conference — 2021, will be held on April 22-24, 2021. Scientists and specialists in the field of ecology, nature management, life safety and emergency situations, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students, as well as school teachers and schoolchildren are invited to participate in the conference.

  • Format: oral sessions — in person / remotely, poster session — remotely on the conference website.
  • Working languages ​​of the conference: Russian, English.

Directions of the conference

  • Population ecology and ecology of communities (structure and dynamics of population size; succession processes in ecosystems; key factors of the ecological niche of plant and animal species; behavioral ecology and biocommunication; influence of anthropogenic factors on the state of ecosystems; bioindication)
  • Soil ecology (factors of soil formation, dynamics and evolution of soils; ecological functions of soils; soil productivity; soil ecosystems; influence of anthropogenic factors on the state of soils; succession processes in soil ecosystems)
  • Geoecology and sustainable development (geoecological aspects of nature management; geochemistry of the environment; environment monitoring; rational use of natural resources; modeling and information technology in nature management)
  • Applied ecology (economic and legal foundations of rational nature management; environmental quality management; environmental protection technologies; problems of implementation of HSE-management; management of socio-ecological and economic systems)
  • Eco-sustainable architecture. Green construction and housing and communal services (urgent problems of ecological construction; green standards in construction and housing and communal services; energy-efficient materials and saving technologies; renewable carbon-free energy; realities and prospects of a green economy)
  • Human ecology (problems of human adaptation to changed environmental conditions, management of the body’s adaptive abilities, ecologically caused pathologies)
  • Environmental safety and quality of products (technical regulation and environmental safety of products; compliance with environmental safety of products requirements, production processes, storage, transportation, disposal; environmental labeling; products with improved environmental characteristics; products of organic production).
  • Environmental education and state policy for sustainable development (environmental education and development priorities of the state; modern educational technologies in the field of environmental education; environmental education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard; development of a system of continuous environmental education; internal and external state policy in the field of ecology)
  • Student Forum on Environmental Studies and Protection.
  • Competition of students’ research papers (for oral presentations only).

Publication of conference materials

Collection of scientific papers of the conference — indexed in the RSCI database; after the conference is posted on the conference website.

Special issue of E3S Web of Conferences is indexed in Scopus, Web of Science and other international databases. Articles are published on https://www.e3s-conferences.org.

Based on the results of the Conference, full texts of articles can be recommended by the Organizing Committee for publication in the journal "Bulletin of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series: Ecology and Life Safety "(list of the Higher Attestation Commission).

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