About RUDN
04 May 2016
Scientific-practical conference “Man and war: It’s the living not the diseased who need it”

The conference is devoted to Yalta and Potsdam conferences. Special attention is paid to after-war world and mechanisms of war prevention, pages of diplomatic history of the last years of war and the international impact of the peoples of the world in the great victory. The conference unites students of the RUDN IFL and veterans of WWII as well as representatives of Russian and international public.

Where: 11.00 am, RUDN IFL, lecture hall.

About RUDN
03 May 2016
International Conference on Global Mass Media 2016

May 25, RUDN Department of Mass Communications hosts the international conference “The role of global mass media in the changing image of globalization”.

The main purposes of the conference are to provide a common forum for experts of diverse background and disciplines to come and exchange information and ideas, to recommend subsequent development of research and attract public attention. Also it is a forum for scientists, researchers and all the people working in diverse fields of mass media - broadcasting, film making, video games, audio recording and reproduction, Internet, blogs, RSS feeds, printed media.

About RUDN
03 May 2016
May 3 – 6, All-Russia Congress of the Association of international students of Russia

On the agenda – conference on issues of adaptation of international students in Russia; elections of the Association President, tour of Moscow, Russian language Olympiad, culture and sport events.

We invite university delegations to participate. We also invite RUDN students to be volunteers at the Congress, which will give you invaluable experience and impressions.

Apply Mon – Fri, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, office of the Association- Of. 130 (building of the Humanities) or at the Student council – Of. 3а(Main building).

Head of the Organizing committee – Vladimir Kychanov, tel.: +7 968 534 29 86, +79163720417.

Visit the Association web-site for details

About RUDN
03 May 2016
May 3, Master’s international summer school "Quality education – way to international recognition"

Lectures reviewing Master’s programs.

Where: Hall #1 RUDN Main building, Rooms 239 and 240.

About RUDN
25 Apr 2016
Andrey Kosinets, RUDN Medical Institute student wins the first place in the All-Russia contest of youth scientific and technical creativity НТТМ-2016

April 13-16, 2016, Students of the RUDN Agrarian-technological Institute, Medical Institute, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Ecology presented their projects, at the All-Russia contest of youth scientific and technical creativity НТТМ-2016 in the frame of the Moscow international education salon. 

About RUDN
23 Apr 2016
RUDN publication in the scientific magazine “SYNTHESIS”, №5, 2016.

Prof. Leonid Voskresensky, The Dean of the RUDN Science Faculty, and Nikita Golantsov, the teacher of the Organic Chemistry Department, published a paper «Recent Advances in Bromination of Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Compounds» in the scientific magazine “SYNTHESIS”, №5, 2016. The paper got the highest appraisal of the editorial board and is presented at the magazine cover page.

About RUDN
22 Apr 2016
The delegation of Free University Brussels visits RUDN University for negotiations on cooperation in the field of teaching, research and academic exchange

April 20, the delegation of Free University Brussels arrived at RUDN. Free University Brussels is in TOP-200 in QS rating (World University Rankings).

About RUDN
21 Apr 2016
Boiko Kotsev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bulgaria to Russia visits RUDN University

"The strongest sides of Bulgarian education are exact sciences – mathematics, physics, engineering" — Boiko Kotsev

About RUDN
19 Apr 2016
Competition on commercial arbitrage of the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade (VAVT) - International Purchase-Sale after M. Rozenberg – 2016

The RUDN Law Institute team took part in the international commercial arbitrage 2016, which was held in the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade on April 14-15, 2016.

About RUDN
19 Apr 2016
Ecological week: education, science, practice and employment

The RUDN Ecological faculty together with the non-governmental ecological fund after V. Vernadsky and Inter-regional industrial corporation “Eco Recycling «organized in Moscow scientific and educational events under the title  “Ecological week: education, science, practice and employment”

About RUDN
16 Apr 2016
Student’s on-line conference with the international participation - «International communication in professional sphere” (in German language)

During the conference the tele-bridge was opened between Moscow and Dresden and the students got an opportunity to use German language as a means of informational activity in professional sphere.

About RUDN
14 Apr 2016
Ivan Tokarev, the student of the Department of Oilfield Geology, Mining and Oil-Gas Extraction entered the group of finalists of the “Case-in” competition

The selection stage of the competition took place on April 7, 2016 at the RUDN Engineering faculty. The participants of the case had to analyze the influence of the field deposit characters and technological processes of extraction on the energetic efficiency of the enterprises and to propose a complex of measures, which will help to raise this indicator as well as to make evaluation of the risks caused by the application of measures.