Radiation safety of the population: an expert told RUDN students about new developments, prospects for the development of the industry and employment

Radiation safety of the population: an expert told RUDN students about new developments, prospects for the development of the industry and employment

What is the radiation safety of the population today, what technologies do modern specialists work with and what qualities will help students of the Faculty of Ecology to succeed in the profession explains Julia Lukina, a graduate of the Faculty of Ecology, a representative of the Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. The master class “Radiation safety of the population: accumulated experience and new developments” was held on March 29.

Radiation safety of the population, including measures to protect people from ionizing radiation, is the most important condition for maintaining the health of current and future generations. The nuclear waste accumulated by the beginning of the 21st century is a mortal danger to nature and man. That is why the vast experience of the Center’s specialists in radiation and environmental monitoring and the latest effective methods for assessing the level of radioactive contamination of soil, vegetation, water, and food products are in demand not only in Russia but also abroad.

“The laboratories of the Department of Radiation Safety of the Population created unique methods for determining the content of iodine-129 in soils, as well as methods for determining the main dose-forming radionuclides (cesium-137, strontium-90, etc.) in the environment and in the human body,” - Yulia Lukina .

The expert showed the students how measurements are carried out on various spectrometers of human radiation (WMS), adding that WMS installations measure most of the radionuclides, including transuranic ones, which corresponds to world achievements in this area.

Among the main professional qualities that a specialist in radiation safety should possess, Yulia Lukina singled out the skills of controlling instrumentation, analytical thinking, the ability to work with large volumes of information, and the desire for professional growth. She drew the attention of students to the fact that the Center has good employment prospects for those who are interested in solving radiation safety problems.

Students asked the speaker with interest about the need for additional education for employment, conditions for scientific work, and the most promising areas of the sphere, according to the expert.

“No additional training is required for work. RUDN University provides good training, graduates can quickly adapt to new conditions of practical work. For those who are interested in scientific activity, there are also all the conditions. Specialists of the Center can combine practical and scientific work. Growth to a senior researcher is possible, up to the head of research.

On promising areas: I think that scientific and practical research of temporary storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel, shipyards and other facilities located in northwestern Russia, beyond the Arctic Circle, in the Far East, in Transbaikalia is especially in demand, ”- said Yulia Lukina.

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