RUDN University Researchers’ Publication Activities in Education & Training

RUDN University Researchers’ Publication Activities in Education & Training

Education & Training is one of the priority subject areas that is dynamically developing at RUDN University. Since 2016, the increase in publications has amounted to 114.6%. In total, over the 6-year period, RUDN University researchers published 354 articles on educational topics. Over half of them are published in Open Access journals, which makes the results of their studies available to a wide range of researchers.

We have seen an increase in citations of RUDN University authors’ publications in the Education & Training subject area, as evidenced by the Field-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI). The articles by our researchers over the past six years are cited 19% better than the world average.

High-quality publications are cited better than others in the subject area of Education & Training and amount to 12.4% of all the publications in this field included in TOP 10% of the most cited (the value is normalized by subject area).

The following publications can be highlighted among the most cited in the subject area of Education & Training:

Taştan, S. B., Davoudi, S. M. M., Masalimova, A. R., Bersanov, A. S., Kurbanov, R. A., Boiarchuk, A. V., & Pavlushin, A. A. (2018). The impacts of teacher’s efficacy and motivation on student’s academic achievement in science education among secondary and high school students./ Влияние эффективности и мотивации учителя на академические достижения учащихся в области естественнонаучного образования среди учащихся средней и старшей школы. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(6), 2353-2366. doi:10.29333/ejmste/89579 (45 citations)

The article is devoted to the issue of the impact of teacher’s efficacy and motivation on the academic performance of students in natural sciences. Academic performance motivation and teacher self-efficacy scales are used as tools for measuring and evaluating achievements. The conclusions, suggestions and recommendations for students and teachers were discussed and presented to school administration, parents, government and education consultants.

Neverkovich, S. D., Bubnova, I. S., Kosarenko, N. N., Sakhieva, R. G., Sizova, Z. M., Zakharova, V. L., & Sergeeva, M. G. (2018). Students’ internet addiction: Study and prevention./ Интернет-зависимость учащихся: изучение и профилактика. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(4), 1483-1495. doi:10.29333/ejmste/83723 (43 citations)

The article is aimed at identifying the negative social, psychological and pedagogical implications of using the Internet among young people. The authors analyze the problem of Internet addiction among schoolchildren (14-19 years old) in terms of social health of the individual and society as a whole. At the final stage of the experiment, a screening study was conducted to explore the state of social media addiction among students. The results show the need to develop and implement Internet addiction prevention programmes among students, which include three main blocks (motivational and cognitive, practice-oriented, reflexive), and a systematic plan for their implementation within the educational space. The stages of the experiment demonstrate that the methods proposed by the authors for young people aged 14-19 are effective.

Levina, E. Y., Masalimova, A. R., Kryukova, N. I., Grebennikov, V. V., Marchuk, N. N., Shirev, D. A., . . . Shagieva, R. V. (2017). Structure and content of e-learning information environment based on geo-information technologies./ Структура и содержание информационной среды обучения на основе геоинформационных технологий. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(8), 5019-5031. doi:10.12973/eurasia.2017.00974a (41 citations)

The relevance of the article is determined by continuous information development of education: introduction and availability of information technologies, as well as computer technology, digitalization of educational activities. The authors show the possibilities of using geoinformation technologies in education beyond their typical application (geographical, geodetic, geological education). They adapt the system of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the learning information environment and conduct an empirical study of the quality of the learning information environment at a university based on geoinformation technologies. The article is intended for teachers, specialists in the field of information as a means of education.

RUDN University, as a participant in state programmes to support universities (at first — the 5-100 Programme, and then the Priority 2030 Programme), motivates researchers to publish their works in the most highly cited journals of their subject area. This resulted in publishing 24% of articles in Education & Training in the TOP 10% of journals according to SNIP.

RUDN University authors actively develop institutional collaborations and do research whose results are reflected in joint publications with researchers from Russian scientific and research organizations. The highest results in terms of joint research activity have been achieved with Kazan Federal University (Citations — 330, FWCI — 2.64), Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Citations — 294, FWCI — 1.95), Russian Academy of Sciences (Citations — 204, FWCI — 7.30), Sechenov University (Citations — 91, FWCI — 1.08) and MGIMO University (Citations — 64, FWCI — 1.63)/

Joint studies with researchers from the USA (14 publications), China (11 publications), Turkey (8 publications), France (5 publications) and Slovakia (5 publications) stand out among the internationally co-authored articles. Articles published in the international collaboration account for 20% of the total number of the RUDN University publications in the Education & Training subject area. It is these articles that are cited three times better than the world average.

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