«We are opening a lab of advanced research of wireless 5G IoT nets», says Director of RUDN Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications at the International round table of 5 universities at Brno University of Technology (Czech)

«We are opening a lab of advanced research of wireless 5G IoT nets», says Director of RUDN Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications at the International round table of 5 universities at Brno University of Technology (Czech)

Konstantin Samuilov, Director of RUDN Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications and Yulia Gaidamaka, associate professor of the Department of applied informatics and probability theory took part in the International round table of 5 universities on wireless 5G IoT nets.

3 - 5 November, 2017, Brno University of Technology (Czech) hosted the International round table of 5 universities on wireless 5G IoT nets and inter-university cooperation. RUDN was represented by Konstantin Samuilov, Director of RUDN Institute of Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications and Yulia Gaidamaka, associate professor of the Department of applied informatics and probability theory.

Among universities-partners – Tampere Technilogical University (Finland), Vienna University (Austria), St. Petersburg State University of aerospace machinery building (Russia).

At the round table the universities presented Next Generation Network laboratories existing in each of them.

«In 2017, we are opening a lab of advanced research of wireless 5G IoT nets», said professor Samuilov. The laboratory will demonstrate the possibilities of tactile Internet, augmented reality, flying video platform, Internet of things and many other innovations working for the benefit of digital economy of big cities.

In 2016, RUDN University and BUT signed an agreement of scientific cooperation. At a working meeting after the round table the parties discussed building a segment of RUDN – BUT 5G net.

After the round table the participants went to Munich to the 9th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems, ICUMT. 

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