About RUDN
27 Feb 2017
The aim of education is to promote peace and ensure sustainable development on the planet

27 February, Dr. Qian Tang, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education in the frame of a working visit to Russia addressed the members of the Academic Council with a lecture «SDG4 – Education 2030 Agenda and Higher Education»

About RUDN
27 Feb 2017
Problems of gravitation. Development of new bioactive compounds. Qualitative methods in the theory of differential and functional-and-differential equations

RUDN scientific projects receive funding amounting to 10 million rubles. On its way to becoming a research university, RUDN is developing its scientific potential. One of the most important tasks is the creation of a system of targeted support for the scientific and teaching staff. 

About RUDN
27 Feb 2017
«The aim of education is to promote peace and ensure sustainable development on the planet»

27 February, Dr. Qian Tang, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education in the frame of a working visit to Russia addressed the members of the Academic Council with a lecture «SDG4 – Education 2030 Agenda and Higher Education».

26 Feb 2017
RUDN and Harvard will analyze economic processes in countries with developing markets together

At the end of 2016, the Department of economic and mathematic modeling opened the International Centre for Emerging Markets Research. The project involves scholars of the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies of Harvard University (USA).

25 Feb 2017
Scientific seminar «Suggestive coloring as a category of text materials of different discursive correlation»

On December 14, the regular meeting of the scientific seminar "Suggestive coloring as a category of text materials of different discursive correlation" took place at the Foreign Languages Department of the Peoples Friendship University of Russia in the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages of the RUDN.

25 Feb 2017
Scientific-methodical seminar «Linguodidactic questions of linguistics»

December 14 at the Institute of Foreign Languages RUDN in the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages held a regular meeting of the scientific and methodological seminar "Linguodidactical issues of linguistics."

25 Feb 2017
Competition «The Best City of the Earth»

We congratulate the actors of Fizmat who took part in the inter-faculty competition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the defeat of the German fascist troops near Moscow and won the prize-winning 3-place!

25 Feb 2017
Competition for the best course work

On the basis of the order of 13.08.16 № 736 / p «on the holding of an annual competition for the best course work / course project, carried out in the RUDN in 2015/2016 academic year»

Life in RUDN
25 Feb 2017
The Youth Employment Center and the State Labor Inspectorate hold a competition for the position of a leading labor inspector (lawyer)

The Youth Employment Center and the State Labor Inspectorate hold a competition for the position of a leading labor inspector (lawyer)

Life in RUDN
25 Feb 2017
RUDN is recognized as the most «green» university of Russia by the results of the international rating of universities UIGreenMetric

RUDN is recognized as the most "green" university of Russia by the results of the international rating of universities UIGreenMetric

Life in RUDN
25 Feb 2017
Solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to winners of the Olympiad in English for high school students «The Magic English Word»

On January 18, the Foreign Languages Institute of the RUDN will host a solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to the winners of the English language Olympiad for high school students "The Magic English Word".

25 Feb 2017
Dialogue between western and eastern cultures as an actual social and pedagogical problem in Russian society

On January 18, the regular meeting of the scientific and methodological seminar "Actual problems of social pedagogy, psychology and management of the development of the human resources of society (social management)" was held at the Peoples Friendship University of Russia at the Department of Social Pedagogy.