
Secondary Colour Terms in Dictionary and Literary Text (in English and Ukrainian)


Oksana Kudria



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Elena Krasina

The dissertation is a complex contrastive-comparative study of secondary colour terms in two languages of different structure – analytical English and inflectional Ukrainian. The work treats similarities and differences of colour terms lexicographical representation both in English and Ukrainian, presents the list of English and Ukrainian secondary colour terms fixed as dictionary entries, describes colour terms structural-grammatical and lexico-semantic parameters, considers linguocultural peculiarities of the studied units in the English and Ukrainian languages, specifies colour terms classification. The dissertation analyses the functioning of English and Ukrainian lexical units of secondary colour nomination in English and Ukrainian literary texts. The research points out structural-grammatical and lexico-semantic types of the studied units, the denotation types characterized by English and Ukrainian lexical units with secondary colour nomination, their contextual meaning. The investigation reveals similarities and differencies of secondary colour terms in contrastive-comparative aspect.

Phenomenon of Greek substratum in compounding derivational models (based on the entries of defining and foreign words explanatory dictionaries in Russian)


Viktoria Ouroumidou



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Elena Krasina

The dissertation treats lexical units of the Russian language, namely, compound nouns which contain derivation components of Greek origin. In course of analysis there are being studied peculiarities and regularities of Greek substratum in derivational models of compound nouns in modern Russian as well as its role in both forming structure and semantics of a hybrid word-composite. Within approved onomasiological approach structures of compound words with a Greek loan component is described; their structural and semantic features are revealed, correlations of structure and meaning are established. Results and conclusions of the thesis could be further useful to elaboration theory and practice of comparative language studies, in lexicography and various university linguistic courses as well as teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Lexical and grammatical resources of functional equivalence in the translation of literary texts from Italian into Russian


Tatiana Lutero



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Elena Krasina

The thesis is devoted to the analysis of lexical and grammatical resources of functional equivalence in the translation of literary texts from Italian into Russian by the example of contemporary Italian writer A. Baricco’s novels and their Russian translations. For the first time the thesis presents a comparative analysis of A. Baricco’s literary works and their Russian translations: it is carried out within a scientific research in the field of translation and comparative linguistic studies. For the first time a link is observed and built between the category of figurativeness in the source text and translation as the main characteristics of the literary text in Italian into Russian translation from the point of view of functional equivalence. The system of lexical and grammatical (syntactical) resources is applied in realizing the functional equivalence in literary translation. The linguistic material presented in the thesis, as well as the results of the research can be applied in the scientific field, including further development of functional equivalence concept in literary translation not only from Italian into Russian, but also concerning other languages. Furthermore, the linguistic material can be used in the process of teaching Italian language to Russian speakers and Russian language to Italian speakers. The result of the thesis can be included in the university courses in comparative linguistics, linguistic semantics, literary text studies and the theory and practice of translation in philological and linguistic universities.

Morphonological alternations in russian and french (on the basis of a noun study)


Barro Makhamadu



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Vladimir Denisenko

The dissertation research presents the description of the alternation series in Russian as a noun inflection, which possess both consonant and vocalic alternations, as well as those with the basics incremental truncation in both types. In the Russian language there dominate consonant alternation. In the French language there’s considered a noun inflection (e.g., plural forms) and noun derivation (e.g., the formation of feminine nouns and noun derivatives from verbs, adjectives and other nouns). So, vocalic morphonological alternations prevail in French. The comparative research of morphonological alternations in Russian and French be applied in the preparation of training materials in the study of Russian and French native or foreign.

Lexicographical characteristics and semantic field of perception verbs in contemporary russian language


Kang Jungho



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Vladimir Denisenko

The dissertation is devoted to analysis of the role, significance of perception from the point of view of an interdisciplinary approach. It studies the psychophysiological approach which is based on the main positions and psychophysiological theories of the perception processes according to its significant role in the psychical human activity in addition to the philosophy of perception nature and traditional and contemporary views on it. Perception remains one of the most interesting issues for philosophers, philosophical doctrines and schools. The author looks into the main ideas which is the linguistic approach to the research of the problem of perception is based on. The author sites both theoretical and practical data on which substantiates the possibility and expediency of presenting the bug number of lexical units as a semantic field. The study also reflects the semantic characteristics of perception in verbs by main Russian language dictionaries. The dissertatione examines main characteristics of definitions of Russian verbs with perception semantics, the author sites and research a number of verbs and its nominations in the dictionaries to find similarities and differencies between word definitions. The materials and conclusions of the dissertation may be used in the courses in lexicology, in the field of theoretical and applied lexicography.

Linguistic representation of the concept CITIZENSHIP in the poetic works of E.A. Evtushenko


Ekaterina Kornakova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Vladimir Denisenko

The thesis deals with the analysis of the peculiarities of the concept CITIZENSHIP linguistic representation in the works of E. A. Evtushenko, the Russian poet of the 60s. The E. A. Evtushenko’s concept of CITIZENSHIP became the subject of a comprehensive study for the first time within the dissertation. It is the first attempt to consider the artistic concept of CITIZENSHIP, and the structure of this concept is also being described for the first time. Previously the concept of CITIZENSHIP has not been investigated in the aspect of artistic, creative view of the world of the poet. The results of the study can be used in the field of cognitive linguistics and linguistic analysis of a literary text for the reconstruction of the linguistic personality of E. A. Evtushenko, as well as in the educational process of students-philologists and linguists.

Pedagogical support of sociocultural adaptation of foreign students


Natalia Shirkova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Galina Ivanova

This dissertation is devoted to issues related to psychological support of cultural adaptation of foreign students. There is a substantial characteristic of the support as a professional activity favoring to successful socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students, aimed at activating of resource group aggregation (personal, institutional, environmental). Features of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students in the modern higher school of Russia are gived out. There is a pedagogical program developed to ensure integrity of foreign students’ sociocultural adaptation supporting. Effectiveness of this program performing in university was experimentally confirmed via increased adaptation level among the 124 foreign students enrolled in RUDN (RUDN university). Results of this research could be used by high school teachers when developing lecture and practical materials on adaptation problems; individual and group consultations for foreign students; methodical recommendations for university staff. Because it’s reflected the content of pedagogical technologies and contributed to the successful socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students in a different socio-cultural environment.

Pedagogic legacy of moral development in pre-teens and teens


Maria Stetsevich



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Galina Ivanova

The dissertation addresses problems concerning pedagogic legacy of moral development in pre-teens and teens. This work covers legacy content of moral development in pre-teens and teens as a pedagogical process that consists of structural and functional elements as well as factors of its most effective pedagogical support. The present work defines essential features of moral values in modern environment as well as relevant characteristics of the discussed age group. There are pedagogical technologies providing the integrity of the process of moral development in pre-teens and teens. The efficiency of developed programs focused on assessing activities of pre-teens and teens is experimentally proved. The results of the research can be used by high school teachers for preparing lectures and practical classes about problems of the oncoming generation’s moral development in the context of the modernization of Russian Education System as well as for making methodical recommendations for homeroom teachers, mentors and educational specialists that reflect basics of pedagogical technologies providing successful development of moral values in pre-teens and teens.

Individual and personal factors predicting gender resilience


Anastasia Mikheeva



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Sergey Kudinov

The research reported in this paper hypothesis individual and personal factors predicting gender resilience self-estimation. The researcher gives a most precise definition to the notion of “self-actualization”. The empiric investigation manifests the specificity of male and female self-actualization that depends on the kind of level resiliency of a personality. The research highlights a unique questionnaire completed by the researcher to qualitatively explore implications for promoting self- efficacy and academic growth via this unique learning and development approach. The pilot work has exhibited measurement invariance across gender. The correction and development program has been generated and implemented. Correlative analyses revealed intensification of resiliency, easing of emotional state, increase of social activity and flexibility as well as optimization of selfactualization process. The results are to be the focus of further scientific researches and will have academic and practical application for psychologists at all stages of professional training.

Hardiness as a basis for self-realization in difficult life situations


Hammad Suad Mohammad



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Sergey Kudinov

The dissertation is devoted to study of hardiness and self-realization in difficult situations on the example of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. The study is performed as part of a systematic approach, and as a methodological basis used Polysystem concept of personality’s self-realization. The study clarified the concepts of "hardiness" and "selfrealization" and their interrelations. During the empirical research, different types of hardiness were allocated and characterized: actively committed-challenging type and moderatelycommitted-challenging type. It has been proved that persons with different types of hardiness selectively activate separate components of self-realization, thereby providing different success levels of respondents’ self-expression. Subjects with moderately committedchallenging type of hardiness were found to be the most successful respondents in their selfimplementation due to their transformational (constructive) strategy of behavior in different life spheres, while respondents with actively committed-challenging type of hardiness due to their adaptive strategy fail in making progress. Identical self-realizations' characteristics in representatives with different types of hardiness are revealed: social-focused orientation, as well as the link between socially oriented motivation with optimism, activation and creativity. The received theoretical and empirical results of research may be included in training courses on the general psychology, psychology of the personality and differential psychology.