
Specific investigation of work motivation of the enterprises personnel in modern Russia


Maznyak I.O.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

The thesis deals with work motivation of the enterprises personnel in modern Russia with specific aspects of investigation of the motivation aimed at systematic influencing it.

Mediation as an alternative dispute resolution technique in corporative conflicts


Gvozdareva M.V.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

The adequacy of using the mediation in resolution of corporative conflicts was confirmed at the example of the self regulation organozations.

Social diagnostics as a management tool for the socially responsible television (study of the TV programming for children)


Ermizina E.V.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

The thesis examines the social responsibility of modern television as the most influential media. This work proves that the socially oriented management of the communication processes within the eco-anthropocentric paradigm conforms to the main goals of the socially responsible media. It also substantiates the use of the social diagnostic technologies (developed as a part of the semisociopsychological concept) for the management of the socially responsible television today. The specifics of understanding and interpretation of the television programs for the children have been examined. The empirical research employing goaloriented analysis has been conducted. The necessity of the construction of modern communicative environment for the development of the children's communication skills has been demonstrated. The research offers recommendations to the television networks for the management of the socially responsible modern Russian television programming.

Сolor test of relations in sociological research of children: methodological study and application features


Tkach V. P.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

The thesis examines the peculiarities of color test methodology in sociological research of children. The specificity of children as a group of respondents has been defined in this study and the analysis of the methods used in sociological studies of children has been carried out. The thesis substantiates the use of these techniques in practice and the main problems arising in this area before the sociologists. Also the cognitive capabilities and the peculiarities of the application of projective techniques in the sociology of childhood have been analyzed. The peculiarities of the use of color test of relations created by E.F. Bazhin and A.M. Etkind in sociological studies of children have been examined. Based on a theoretical analysis and empirical research the hypothesis of a high efficiency of the color test for the study of social attitudes, norms and values of preschool and early school age has been confirmed.

Organizational culture of international organization: ethnometric approach to the study (the case of the American non-profit foundation in Russia)


Gudzenko E. М.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

The thesis is devoted to the study of salient features of formation of organizational culture in international organization. In the context of this work organizational culture is examined as a symbolic tool that individuals consciously or unconsciously use to organize their own activities; the features of crosscultural management in modern organizations are examined, as well as factors that influence on the formation of the organizational culture of an international organization. The cognitive possibilities of ethnometrical approach in the study of organizational culture are considered. The features of using G.Hofstede’s method of empirical sociological research, including qualitative case studies of organizational culture of the international organization were also analyzed. Based on a theoretical analysis and conducted empirical research the conclusion of the impact of national cultural factors on the formation of organizational culture in an international organization has been made.

Determinants of Russian Physicians’ Organizational Behavior: Features of Formation and Modification


Khurtina V. V.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

The thesis is devoted to the analysis of organizational behavior (OB) of physicians as a professional group. There are theoretical and methodological foundations of exploration of the physicians as a professional group within the paper. Organizational behavior concepts are considered as а relevant strategy for researching of the physicians. The author displays the social determinants system, which define the physicians’ organizational behavior. The research of the physicians as a professional group is carried out with an accent on the determinants of group and organizational levels. Also, the state health care system reform is treated as a significant determinant of organizational behavior on the external level. As a result of research the author gets the empirical evidence of OB determinants’ impact on formation and modification of the professional conduct of the physicians.

Influence of level of emotional intelligence head on the effectiveness of management activities


Polyanova L. M.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

The thesis is based on the systematization of approaches to management activities on the one hand, and a comprehensive analysis of the theories and concepts of emotional intelligence on the other, conducted an empirical study, the aim of which was to identify patterns of influence the level of emotional intelligence head on objective parameters of productive management. A correlation between an individual measure of emotional intelligence and effective parameters of management was revealed and experimentally confirmed As a result the new opportunities appeared for researching. It is necessary to organize existing data about researching of emotional intelligence, in connection with the theoretical and practical importance as a possible determinant of success in interpersonal communication in the organization, as well as the formation of organizational culture.

Universities in Higher Education: Strategies and Development Prospects in Modern Russia


Konstantinova A. V.



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Zhanna Puzanova

The thesis is devoted to the research of universities and their role in the development of education, science and society. On the basis of concepts of the classics of sociology the author analyzes universities as key elements of the educational system, the features of their structures and the changing of their missions and functions depending on social conditions and their own aspirations for freedom of university activity. Based on the application of the factor analysis method to study the competitiveness of Russian universities, the author identifies their typology, presents a tool for determining integrated indicators of universities’ development and proposes recommendations for improving strategic management and planning in Russian universities.

Formation of intercultural professional communicative competencies of specialists working abroad as a factor in the effectiveness of the managerial process (on the example of France-Russia personnel working abroad)


Darya Tsukanova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Svetlana Sharonova

The object of research is intercultural communication as a factor in the management process in the selection and training of foreign personnel in Russia and France. The subject of the study is the professional intercultural communicative competence of personnel working in Russia and France. The aim of the study is to identify socio-cultural factors that contribute to the formation of professional intercultural communicative competencies within the management process in the selection and training of foreign personnel in Russia and France.